Zakopane is a very popular place for Polish holidaymakers and is becoming quite a well known spot for foreigners too.
Notable Species
Highlights, apart from the scenery, include Nutcracker and a decent chance of a sighting of a Golden Eagle - both of which, for differing reasons, can be spotted even with the high tourist traffic that is to be found in the area. Other birds typical of the area are Alpine Accentor, Wallcreeper, Ring Ouzel and Long-eared Owl.
Birds you can see here include:
Mallard, Black Stork, White Stork, Eurasian Goshawk, Eurasian Sparrowhawk, Common Buzzard, Lesser Spotted Eagle, Golden Eagle, Peregrine Falcon, Common Kestrel, Hazel Grouse, Black Grouse, Western Capercaillie, Common Quail, Corn Crake, Northern Lapwing, Eurasian Woodcock, Common Sandpiper, Common Wood Pigeon, Stock Dove, Eurasian Collared Dove, European Turtle Dove, Common Cuckoo, Tawny Owl, Ural Owl, Eurasian Eagle-Owl, Boreal Owl, Long-eared Owl, Eurasian Pygmy Owl, Common Swift, Common Kingfisher, Great Spotted Woodpecker, Lesser Spotted Woodpecker, Black Woodpecker, Eurasian Three-toed Woodpecker, Eurasian Skylark, Common House Martin, Tree Pipit, Meadow Pipit, Water Pipit, Grey Wagtail, Pied Wagtail, White-throated Dipper, Eurasian Wren, Dunnock, Alpine Accentor, European Robin, Bluethroat, Black Redstart, Whinchat, Northern Wheatear, Ring Ouzel, Eurasian Blackbird, Fieldfare, Song Thrush, Mistle Thrush, Marsh Warbler, Icterine Warbler, Eurasian Blackcap, Lesser Whitethroat, Garden Warbler, Wood Warbler, Willow Warbler, Common Chiffchaff, Goldcrest, Common Firecrest, Red-breasted Flycatcher, Long-tailed Tit, Coal Tit, Crested Tit, Great Tit, Willow Tit, Eurasian Nuthatch, Wallcreeper, Eurasian Treecreeper, Red-backed Shrike, Great Grey Shrike, Eurasian Jay, Eurasian Magpie, Spotted Nutcracker, Northern Raven, Common Chaffinch, Eurasian Bullfinch, Eurasian Siskin, Red Crossbill, Northern Redpoll, European Goldfinch, Hawfinch, Yellowhammer
Other Wildlife
Mammals present include Alpine Marmot, Chamois, Brown Bear, Eurasian Lynx and Tatra Vole. The area is also rich in endemic and relict species of flora and invertebrates.
Site Information
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External Links
This link searches specifically for Zakopane
This link searches for Tatra, which may include pictures from the Tatra National Park in Slovakia
Content and images originally posted by cheekykev