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Category:Acanthizidae - BirdForum Opus

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Family: Acanthizidae


Thornbills and allies


Acanthizidae is a family in the Order Passeriformes.
The Bristlebirds were formerly included in this family but are now placed in their own family Dasyornithidae. Goldenface was formerly placed in the family Pachycephalidae.

Family Acanthizidae viewedit

Genus Pachycare viewedit
P. flavogriseum Goldenface

Genus Pycnoptilus viewedit
P. floccosus Pilotbird

Genus Origma viewedit
O. solitaria Rockwarbler

Genus Oreoscopus viewedit
O. gutturalis Fernwren

Genus Crateroscelis viewedit
C. murina Rusty Mouse-Warbler
C. nigrorufa Bicolored Mouse-Warbler
C. robusta Mountain Mouse-Warbler

Genus Neosericornis viewedit
N. citreogularis Yellow-throated Scrubwren

Genus Sericornis viewedit
S. maculatus Spotted Scrubwren
S. frontalis White-browed Scrubwren
S. humilis Tasmanian Scrubwren
S. keri Atherton Scrubwren
S. beccarii Tropical Scrubwren
S. nouhuysi Large Scrubwren
S. magnirostra Large-billed Scrubwren
S. rufescens Vogelkop Scrubwren
S. perspicillatus Buff-faced Scrubwren
S. papuensis Papuan Scrubwren
S. arfakianus Grey-green Scrubwren
S. spilodera Pale-billed Scrubwren

Genus Acanthornis viewedit
A. magna Scrubtit

Genus Pyrrholaemus viewedit
P. brunneus Redthroat
P. sagittatus Speckled Warbler

Genus Calamanthus viewedit
C. campestris Rufous Fieldwren
C. montanellus Western Fieldwren
C. fuliginosus Striated Fieldwren
C. pyrrhopygius Chestnut-rumped Heathwren
C. cautus Shy Heathwren

Genus Acanthiza viewedit
A. murina Papuan Thornbill
A. reguloides Buff-rumped Thornbill
A. inornata Western Thornbill
A. iredalei Slender-billed Thornbill
A. katherina Mountain Thornbill
A. pusilla Brown Thornbill
A. ewingii Tasmanian Thornbill
A. apicalis Inland Thornbill
A. chrysorrhoa Yellow-rumped Thornbill
A. uropygialis Chestnut-rumped Thornbill
A. robustirostris Slaty-backed Thornbill
A. nana Yellow Thornbill
A. cinerea Grey Thornbill
A. lineata Striated Thornbill

Genus Smicrornis viewedit
S. brevirostris Weebill

Genus Gerygone viewedit
G. chloronota Green-backed Gerygone
G. palpebrosa Fairy Gerygone
G. hypoxantha Biak Gerygone
G. olivacea White-throated Gerygone
G. chrysogaster Yellow-bellied Gerygone
G. magnirostris Large-billed Gerygone
G. tenebrosa Dusky Gerygone
G. mouki Brown Gerygone
G. sulphurea Golden-bellied Gerygone
G. inornata Plain Gerygone
G. dorsalis Rufous-sided Gerygone
G. ruficollis Brown-breasted Gerygone
G. fusca Western Gerygone
G. levigaster Mangrove Gerygone
G. modesta Norfolk Island Gerygone
Skull t.png G. insularis
Lord Howe Island Gerygone Skull t.png
G. igata Grey Gerygone
G. albofrontata Chatham Island Gerygone
G. citrina Rennell Gerygone
G. flavolateralis Fan-tailed Gerygone

Genus Aphelocephala viewedit
A. leucopsis Southern Whiteface
A. pectoralis Chestnut-breasted Whiteface
A. nigricincta Banded Whiteface


This category has the following 15 subcategories, out of 15 total.
