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Redthroat - BirdForum Opus

Pyrrholaemus brunneus
Photo by Tom Tarrant
Location: Cunnamulla, SW Qld


11-12cm Male:

  • Forehead and Lores White
  • Mid Grey-brown Back
  • Tail Brown, but outer corners tipped white
  • Cinnamon Orange throat
  • Undertail Buff to Russet
  • White Underbelly
  • Underbelly merges into grey-buff on Flanks


  • Similar to Male, lacking Orange Throat.
  • Immature Similar, slightly paler.


Australia, Found throughout much of Interior Australia, South Western Australia, South-west Nothern Teritory, Much of South Australia, Mallee Regions of Victoria, New South Wales and Queensland. Sedentary, Uncommon to Moderately Common.


Structural similarities to Chthonicola sagittatus suggest that they are closely related. Monotypic.


Semi-arid Eucalypt Forest, Mulga and Mallee with scattered low shrubs, saltbush and bluebush.


Forages briskly on the ground, generally in sparse low shrub.

Smooth low flight with fanned tail.


It builds a bulky, dome-shaped nests with a side entrance from strips of bark, grass and feathers.


The diet includes beetles, ants, termites, earwigs, grasshoppers, bugs, caterpillars, butterflies, moths, wasps and spiders, and grass seeds.


Sharp, clear whistled notes, alternated with harsh chattering. whit-whit-chee-chee-quorr-quorr ect.

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