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Category:Saltator - BirdForum Opus

Genus: Saltator


Saltators and some grosbeaks.


Saltator has traditionally been places as a genus in the family Cardinalidae, but recent evidence indicates that it could be placed in Emberizidae or the solution chosen by SACC, placed in Thraupidae.

Birds with "Saltator" as common name do not make a natural unit. Especially, the closest relative of Black-throated Saltator (Saltator atricollis) seems to be Many-colored Chaco-Finch (Saltatricula multicolor), and therefore, Black-throated Saltator was transferred to genus Saltatricula.

Genus Saltator viewedit
S. maximus Buff-throated Saltator
S. atripennis Black-winged Saltator
S. atriceps Black-headed Saltator
S. orenocensis Orinocan Saltator
S. olivascens Olive-gray Saltator
S. grandis Cinnamon-bellied Saltator
S. coerulescens Bluish-gray Saltator
S. striatipectus Streaked Saltator
S. albicollis Lesser Antillean Saltator
S. similis Green-winged Saltator
S. nigriceps Black-cowled Saltator
S. maxillosus Thick-billed Saltator
S. aurantiirostris Golden-billed Saltator
S. cinctus Masked Saltator
S. grossus Slate-colored Grosbeak
S. fuliginosus Black-throated Grosbeak


  1. SACC discussion in relation to removing the genus Saltator from Cardinalidae
  2. SACC proposal for moving the genus Saltator into Thraupidae (not passed)
  3. SACC proposal discussing the taxonomy of species within the genus Saltator (not passed)
  4. SACC proposal for moving the genera Saltator and Saltatricula into Thraupidae (passed)