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Category:Hypsipetes - BirdForum Opus

Genus: Hypsipetes


Bulbuls from Asia, Australasia, and islands in the Indian Ocean.


Hypsipetes is a genus in the Family Pycnonotidae.
Nicobar Bulbul are placed in this genus by some authorities. Species formerly placed in Thapsinillas, Cerasophila or in Alophoixus have recently been added to this genus.

Genus Hypsipetes viewedit
H. madagascariensis Malagasy Bulbul
H. crassirostris Seychelles Bulbul
H. parvirostris Grand Comoro Bulbul
H. moheliensis Moheli Bulbul
H. borbonicus Reunion Bulbul
H. olivaceus Mauritius Bulbul
H. leucocephalus Black Bulbul
H. ganeesa Square-tailed Bulbul
H. thompsoni White-headed Bulbul
H. amaurotis Brown-eared Bulbul
H. platenae Sangihe Golden Bulbul
H. aureus Togian Golden Bulbul
H. longirostris Sula Golden Bulbul
H. chloris Halmahera Golden Bulbul
H. lucasi Obi Golden Bulbul
H. mysticalis Buru Golden Bulbul
H. affinis Seram Golden Bulbul
H. guimarasensis Visayan Bulbul
H. rufigularis Zamboanga Bulbul
H. everetti Yellowish Bulbul
H. mindorensis Mindoro Bulbul
H. siquijorensis Streak-breasted Bulbul
H. philippinus Philippine Bulbul