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Category:Cantorchilus - BirdForum Opus

Genus: Cantorchilus



Cantorchilus if recognized would be a genus in the family Troglodytidae.
All species of this genus were formerly assigned to genus Thryothorus.

Genus Cantorchilus viewedit
C. thoracicus Stripe-breasted Wren
C. leucopogon Stripe-throated Wren
C. modestus Cabanis's Wren
C. zeledoni Canebrake Wren
C. elutus Isthmian Wren
C. semibadius Riverside Wren
C. nigricapillus Bay Wren
C. superciliaris Superciliated Wren
C. leucotis Buff-breasted Wren
C. longirostris Long-billed Wren
C. guarayanus Fawn-breasted Wren
C. griseus Gray Wren


  1. Birdforum thread discussing the split of genus Thryothorus
  2. SACC proposal (passed) to split the genus Thryothorus
  3. Paper describing DNA analysis of the "Thryothorus" wrens