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Category:Treron - BirdForum Opus

Revision as of 02:41, 27 June 2008 by AlexC (talk | contribs) (New page: Genus: ''Treron'' ==Description== ==Taxonomy== ''Treron'' is a genus in the family Columbidae. {{Nav-Treron}} Category:Columbidae)
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Genus: Treron



Treron is a genus in the family Columbidae.

Genus Treron viewedit
T. olax Little Green Pigeon
T. vernans Pink-necked Green Pigeon
T. fulvicollis Cinnamon-headed Green Pigeon
T. bicinctus Orange-breasted Green Pigeon
T. pompadora Sri Lanka Green Pigeon
T. affinis Grey-fronted Green Pigeon
T. chloropterus Andaman Green Pigeon
T. phayrei Ashy-headed Green Pigeon
T. axillaris Philippine Green Pigeon
T. aromaticus Buru Green Pigeon
T. curvirostra Thick-billed Green Pigeon
T. griseicauda Grey-cheeked Green Pigeon
T. teysmannii Sumba Green Pigeon
T. floris Flores Green Pigeon
T. psittaceus Timor Green Pigeon
T. capellei Large Green Pigeon
T. phoenicopterus Yellow-footed Green Pigeon
T. waalia Bruce's Green Pigeon
T. griveaudi Comoro Green Pigeon
T. australis Madagascar Green Pigeon
T. pembaensis Pemba Green Pigeon
T. sanctithomae Sao Tome Green Pigeon
T. seimundi Yellow-vented Green Pigeon
T. apicauda Pin-tailed Green Pigeon
T. calvus African Green Pigeon
T. oxyurus Sumatran Green Pigeon
T. sphenurus Wedge-tailed Green Pigeon
T. sieboldii White-bellied Green Pigeon
T. formosae Whistling Green Pigeon