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Category:Aerodramus - BirdForum Opus

Genus: Aerodramus, Swiftlets


28 species of Swiftlets from Asia and the South Pacific. They have non or only slightly glossy plumage and some are capable of echolocation. Most breed in caves, sometimes in big colonies. The nests of several species are harvested for medicinal and culinary causes, leading to population decline. Some species live in very remote areas and virtually nothing is known about them.


Aerodramus is a genus in the Family Apodidae.
Together with Hydrochous, Collocalia and Schoutedenapus this genus belongs to the subfamily Collocaliini. Some authorities still merge most or all Aerodramus species under Collocalia.
The relationships of the different Swiftlets are still poorly understood and can be called a taxonomist's nightmare. Further study is needed and will doubtless lead to new species, subspecies or lumping of some taxa.

Genus Aerodramus viewedit
A. elaphrus Seychelles Swiftlet
A. francicus Mascarene Swiftlet
A. unicolor Indian Swiftlet
A. sororum Sulawesi Swiftlet
A. infuscatus Halmahera Swiftlet
A. ceramensis Seram Swiftlet
A. mearnsi Philippine Swiftlet
A. hirundinaceus Mountain Swiftlet
A. spodiopygius White-rumped Swiftlet
A. terraereginae Australian Swiftlet
A. brevirostris Himalayan Swiftlet
A. vulcanorum Volcano Swiftlet
A. whiteheadi Whitehead's Swiftlet
A. nuditarsus Bare-legged Swiftlet
A. orientalis Mayr's Swiftlet
A. amelis Ameline Swiftlet
A. vanikorensis Uniform Swiftlet
A. salangana Mossy-nest Swiftlet
A. pelewensis Palau Swiftlet
A. bartschi Mariana Swiftlet
A. inquietus Caroline Islands Swiftlet
A. sawtelli Atiu Swiftlet
A. leucophaeus Tahiti Swiftlet
A. ocistus Marquesan Swiftlet
A. maximus Black-nest Swiftlet
A. fuciphagus Edible-nest Swiftlet
A. germani Germain's Swiftlet
A. papuensis Three-toed Swiftlet