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White-shouldered Antbird - BirdForum Opus

Photo by nkgray
La Selva Lodge, Sucumbios, Ecuador, March 2014
Akletos melanoceps


Male is almost entirely black with a white spot on the shoulder which often is hidden or just showing as a narrow white stripe. Bare skin around eyes looks dull grey but in ideal light might be seen to be blue. Female is all reddish-brown except for head and neck which looks like the male.

Similar Species

Cocha Antshrike, Goeldi's Antbird


South-eastern Colombia, esternmost Ecuador, eastern Peru and far western Brazil.


This is a monotypic species[1].
Formerly placed in genus Myrmeciza by Gill and Donsker.


Forest from semi-dry to humid to seasonally flodded.


Feeds on insects in foliage, mostly in low to mid levels in forest.


  1. Clements, J. F., T. S. Schulenberg, M. J. Iliff, D. Roberson, T. A. Fredericks, B. L. Sullivan, and C. L. Wood. 2017. The eBird/Clements checklist of birds of the world: v2017, with updates to August 2017. Downloaded from http://www.birds.cornell.edu/clementschecklist/download/

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