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Category:Mirafra - BirdForum Opus

Genus: Mirafra


A genus of Larks. Range: Africa, Madagascar, Asia and Australasia.


Mirafra is a genus in the Family Alaudidae.

Genus Mirafra viewedit
M. apiata Cape Clapper Lark
M. fasciolata Eastern Clapper Lark
M. collaris Collared Lark
M. hypermetra Red-winged Lark
M. sharpii Sharpe's Lark
M. africana Rufous-naped Lark
M. ashi Ash's Lark
M. somalica Somali Long-billed Lark
M. angolensis Angola Lark
M. rufocinnamomea Flappet Lark
M. cordofanica Kordofan Lark
M. williamsi Williams's Lark
M. pulpa Friedmann's Lark
M. passerina Monotonous Lark
M. albicauda White-tailed Lark
M. cheniana Melodious Lark
M. javanica Horsfield's Bushlark
M. microptera Burmese Bush Lark
M. assamica Bengal Bush Lark
M. erythrocephala Indochinese Bush Lark
M. affinis Jerdon's Bush Lark
M. erythroptera Indian Bush Lark
M. rufa Rusty Lark
M. gilletti Gillett's Lark