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Thrush Nightingale and Blyth's Reed Warbler Art <3 (2 Viewers)

On 26 June, a BRW let me know on 9am that "hey, I am here, come check me at night" and I had the biggest happy rush across my body!!

I so so hoped he would not leave and will sing at night - HE SANG AT NIGHT! It was sadly not a very good place, I could not get very close to him, but it was a BRW who sang on 26 JUNE, I tried my best to get as close as I could! To me that's RARE as everywhere its told "BRWs stop singing beginning of June". Everything after that is a miracle to me. That was the only change as I did not hear him anymore after 27 June.

So say hello to Raadi, a surprise BRW! Thats what I call an encore mode!

Full audio:

26 June


Meet Ogi, the slowest singing BRW!
I have no idea why he sang like this, I left the recorder near him in hopes he picks up the speed. 47 minutes became max 10 minutes as this guy sang in small bursts - 2 second singing, 1 minute pause, 1 second singing - 6 minute pause until he left around 30 minutes in the audio (Saw no more sounds appeared after it). As I doubt anybody wants to listen 7 minute of silence between his tiny song parts, I shortened it a bit where only Ogi sang. What an interesting dude. I found this guy at the same night when I found Raadi. While I put recorder near Raadi, I went to check the area where lots of BRWs and MW spawned this year lol. I first did not hear anything, but as soon as I playbacked with my phone, this guy beeped. Another "one change" BRW, as I did not find this guy anymore.

10 minute audio:

27 June


BRW number 21! And this is the last BRW this season! (Sadly no more changes after this fella! one was on 2nd July, but nothing at night :( )

This guy was a perfect end of this season, with the EPIC "Tarrniki pidepiss plö" rhythm and melodic part! God I LOVED this chunk sosososo much!!! It was in a bad location so I couldn't sneak that close (I have noticed a pattern where end of season BRWs tend to sing in unreachable areas or far away or sing not long)

Full song:

28 June

Had 1 more change given on 28 June night and I DIDN'T let it slide! I sneaked EVEN deeper into the bushes even if houses were near (I was not in anyones garden btw, it was in a nature area and thicket) And got few meters closer! And the risk was worth it! The audio sounds so much closer and the surrounding bushes and trees helped to amplify the bird even more!

Full audio:

28 June​

After this I have 3 TNGs and 6 marsh Warblers to do!
And here are all the TNG I had left to do with description and stuff! Season ended with a sparkly one!!

20 May

Rütmik was unhappy that night, no idea what caused him distress. He was hiiting and kärring (Sounds of alarm call)

So I left recorder near and left further away, I thought it was temporaly thing but he was hiiting most of the time that night. He was not hiiting at me as it happened a lot before I was even there, I heard it far away. You can use the video to learn an alarm call of a TNG, this is a 2nd time I ever have caught a TNG doing alarm call. First time was Dubstep in 2023 on 2nd night when I recorded him, he was hiiting and becoming quiet and resuming singing 5 minutes later.

Audio of the alarm call:

24 may​

Thrush Nightingale number 9! Meet Tagurvippo, who was currently the only TNG who has sung a special variant of "Vipp vipp vippoo"! A reverse "Vippoo, vipp vipp"

This night will always be remembered by the super orange moon near horizon and garbage smell across fields :D. He also sang in a totally new place I havent found a TNG before!

Full audio:

24 may​

I was given a best gift that night - SECOND ✨MAGICAL✨ THRUSH NIGHTINGALE! I did not expect a second rarity! I wanted LOTS of audio of this guy because his singing sounds addiction to my ears, so I hoarded his song lol! His "doot doot" sound was a big tell that this guy is ✨SPECIAL!✨
Never have heard a TNG this year sing like this, that's what makes this TNG ✨MAGICAL✨ - the unique parts what stands out asap from classic TNG!

I am so glad this guy chose a very good place I could access very close to! His singing feels hypnotizing to me, it's like I want more and more, there are so many favourite parts I wanna hear again and again! It makes me SO HAPPY!

Full audio:

25 May​

2nd night with Doot-doot! He was luckily in the same location so I wanted more audio!!

His singing is hypnotizing!

Full audio:

27 May

3rd night with Doot-doot, this time was a last meet <3. He continued singing days later after me! He was in new location and was between houses so I felt a bit not good (Always afraid people gonna ask what am I doing even if it is just bird song recording.. ) so this audio is quite short, but I love the echo that area gave him!

Ultra big thank yous to this epic TNG, for giving me a change recording him!! Lets hope 2025 brings more Magical TNGs in my area!!

Full audio:

And last recording of 2024!

Was worried of my lil buddy after he was hiiting so much on 20 May. He was singing near my place so I didn't need to walk much to hear him. When I did my nightly checks, I was relieved he was ok! Next night he was singing and other night and so on. So on 28 may as I had no new TNG appearing, I spent more time with Rütmik <3!
I think this is the longest TNG who was singing this year! Started on 6th May and sang into beginning of June. But as I was not in the area between June 1st to 4th, that time I couldn't check on him, but I do know that May 31 rütmik activated at 23:36 (I keep a journal and write down who sings when what time when I walk around etc). After 5th June he did not sing anymore, so my guess is he stopped singing between 1 - 4 June. Still amazing how long this guy sang and the SAME location. He did hop here and there but the two bushes he was singing from was always the same.

And this is the end of Thrush Nightingale 2024 season! Got exactly 10 TNG this year! Hoped more but some were in unreacable areas who I think were new and no new TNG popped inside borough. It's time to wait 2025 and we will see what magic they bring that year! Plz more magical TNG!!

Full audio:

Animated this onomatopoeia video because I LOVE Doot-doot SO MUCH! He stood out SO much with his singing!!

it's so weird how I hardly find any magical TNG in my area. When I listened any other country, such as Finland and Sweden and so on, every recording was a magical TNG and no classic TNGs! If all other TNGs in other country are magical sounding then where do the classic TNGs come from? (The ones what we get mainly here, the most common soundfont, like on my audios, Rütmik, Tivotsi etc kind)

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