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spotting scopes (1 Viewer)

just joined the sight and i would like some info so i can take up digiscoping,
i wonder could anyone tell me if they have ever tried the Optolyth 100mm spotting scope and if so how does it compare with a Kowa 88mm or swarovski.

Any help would be gratefully received.

Check out Andy Bright's Digiscoping Forum (farther down on this Forum List). You'll learn everything you need to know about scopes and digiscoping!

Welcome aboard!
Cheers Jerry check out Andys sight, I have just purchased a swaro ATS80hd with a 20x60 eye piece and a swaro tripod; having never looked through a scope i set it up in the liviving room this morning 28/11/08 and aimed it out the window at some starlings in a tree about 500 yards away.
To say i am impressed is an understatement, I could count it's specks and see its throat moving around while it was calling it's mate; when i gave the wife a look she was also blown away espcially with her eyes; now she want's a pair of glasses with swaro lences in, ha ha. just visiting your sight now.
cheers Mike.
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