Well done with the Goat Moth,I'd love to see one 👏 regards Bri.
Well done with the Goat Moth,I'd love to see one 👏 regards Bri.
Agree with BriLee, that Heart and Dart is a belter.A poor night for moi…last night.
Many Tortix under the Parasol, a Treble Brown Spot on the window and a solitary Heart and Club in the pot…methinks a not unattractive one at that.
Heart and Club as Ken correctly says?That's a Crackinv Heart and Dart Ken,not seen one as nice as that,regards Bri.
Oops, goes for my post too!Heart and Club as Ken correctly says?
Goat Moth proper set, taken on release.
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Past week has been crazy for me. 38 lifers, 76 NFY, 1 new possible state record.
I almost didn't wake up when my timer went off last night. Got out there, and the sheets were relatively empty. Then I got to the end of the sheet and this amazing moth (Luna Moth) was on the end (pic is from later this morning after I tried to get it off the sheets and warmed up to not become bird bait).
Virginia Creeper Sphinx was a lifer.
Hebrew Moth (lifer)
Arge Moth (lifer)
Formosa Looper Moth (lifer)
Grape Flower Plume Moth (lifer)
Robinson's Pelochrista Moth (lifer)
Only clearwing I've ever seen was a Large Red-belted (that was without lure though). I'll have to purchase a lure or two before next summer.I was pleased to be shown my first Red-tipped Clearwing attracted to a lure at the LNR at Ruislip Woods on a wildlife walk today. Very smart moth.
I imagine it was just before several more.... congratulations Ken!Just clearing away the dinner plates into the kitchen from the garden patio, when there was a sharp outburst from my wife outside…I rushed out to see this “Big, I know not what!”….from the missus?
Was in total disbelief…as it was a lifer no less!
Was I a happy bunny…and that was after a drink!🤣