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June Moths (1 Viewer)

Trapped again last night (it's been such a bad year weather-wise I'm only taking breaks when forced to) and had a good result with both a macro tick Marbled White Spot and micro tick Evergestis limbata along with NFY Anania coronata. Numbers were supplied by 9 Heart and Darts and 5 Chrysoteuchia culmella while fresh-looking Figure of Eighty and 2 Green Oak Tortrix (the last much more colourful than the previous night's two) added interest. Single Flame, Heart and Club, Treble Lines, Light Emerald and Vines Rustic less so.

Thanks John... that's very kind of you to say.

I use a Canon 7D which is 16yrs old now with a Canon 100mmf2.8 L IS Macro lens.
Probably 8 of 8 last night with 3 “drum roll”… in the pot! to include 2 (NFY)- Bird’s Wing, Light Arches, Least Carpet, H&D, Treble-Brown Spot, Common Marbled Carpet, Mocha, Garden Carpet + a small green jobby.😮


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Not much from me after another poor showing, with just 6/5...including...1 Buff Ermine, 1 Ribband Wave, 2 Small Magpie, 1 LYU and an unknown Micro.

Here are the Small Magpie, Ribband Wave and the Micro.

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The micro is one of the Eudonia species (Eudonia angustea maybe).

I've got the same setup as you (albeit no moth trap as live in a first floor flat without a garden), so I can appreciate your skill and eye for a photo (and no doubt patience!). Do you use any kind of flash?

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