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  1. F

    Birding around Madrid and guide help

    June is usually ok, you can also go during the first half of July. You could catch a spell of high temperatures (close to or over 40ºC) but that is far more probable from second half of July to the second week of September. Out from the metropolitan area city the you can expect temperature to...
  2. F

    Hello everyone! Night call, Spain

    It is not easy, mainly because of Merlin structure. You cannot do it directly from the app. First, you have to find the file in your phone, then upload it to Birdforum. Sound are recorded in Merlin as *.wav files, named as follows: yyyy-mm-dd hh_mm.wav They are usually placed in a folder called...
  3. F

    Hello everyone! Night call, Spain

    I don't have direct experience as in my area we haven't detected them yet. They call for sure, it is not well known yet the frequency of calls compared to spring & summer. Here you have some samples: Winter Scops Spain , check the ones from Pamplona or Santander, as the mediterranean ones could...
  4. F

    Hello everyone! Night call, Spain

    Just a remark on both species status at Spain. Eurasian Pygmy Owl was surprisingly detected in the Spanish Pyrenees in 2021, and is believed to be breeding there (one-a few couples). Regarding Scops Owl, although the peak is still to come, some arrive in Spain even in January (and Almería is...
  5. F

    Hello everyone! Night call, Spain

    Then I understand you will have now a record which was IDed using MerlinID, or is instead that you checked what you remembered of the call against Merlin provided sounds? That is different. If you managed finally to record the call, could you post it here? Pygmy Owl can be safely excluded at...
  6. F

    Golden or Juvenile Bald Eagle Oregon USA

    Golden Eagle, apart from plumage pattern (and other details) look at the wing shape, narrower near the body
  7. F

    Hello everyone! Night call, Spain

    At this time of the year, with that description and location I will go for Eagle Owl. Quite frequent where there are rabbits. Just check it with any online resource (Xenocanto, eBird) and see if it fits what you are hearing
  8. F

    Golden Eagle ID Scotland.

    I see a Common Buzzard in the last one. Underwing pattern and body pattern (with chest light band visible) fits this species
  9. F

    Is it a black tern? Tehran.Ir

    Could you upload the link to the list? Maybe it hasn't been reviewed yet, and if it has and marked unconfirmed some people may be able to ask for a re-review of the record
  10. F

    Gadwall with Mallard genes? Cuenca (Central Spain) yesterday

    Good morning! This duck was among a small group of gadwalls at Alarcón reservoir (Cuenca, Central Spain) 23rd january 2025. I wonder if this pattern is within variation of pure gadwall or has some mallard (or other thing) in it. The capped head, slightly different shade in breast and well...
  11. F

    Richard's Pipit? Central Spain, mid-january 2025

    I think it ticks all marks for Richard's Pipit, but as far as I know it will be the first record in this area (Cuenca) and I would like to hear more opinions as I have seen this species only once elsewhere. Located first by a fellow birder today. Last picture is a detail of hind claw
  12. F

    Birding around Madrid and guide help

    Depending on which side of Gran Vía you are, your best options are walking through Madrid Río (along river Manzanares) to the east and Retiro park (to the west) The former has more birding possibilities. You can take the metro (tube) and in 10 minutes you are there. Walking may take half an...
  13. F

    Birds from Central Macedonia Greece

    Although developed in the US, within Merlin is quite easy to choose the language (and regional variations) in which each user prefers to see bird names. It allows choosing between a dozen or so variations of English, including of course English (United Kingdom) and English (United States)(Greek...
  14. F

    Lammergeier in Saastal Switzerland?

    Here you have the reports in the area on eBird in 2023-2024 (several of them in 2024, red ones in the last 30 day)
  15. F

    Castilla la Mancha or Extremadura in late December?

    Right now most of them are ok. It depends on rain, however. The ones surrounding Manjavacas, around Navaseca and the track to Camino Guerra are good enough and should not be a problem anyway.
  16. F

    Castilla la Mancha or Extremadura in late December?

    El Hito is still without water, so there is very little to see there now. I suggest you to plan to be at Manjavacas at sunset until dark (let´s say 17:30 to 18:30) to see/hear the cranes entering at the roost, you'll see several around during the day but the main group will come from far too...
  17. F

    Castilla la Mancha or Extremadura in late December?

    I can tell you that Manjavacas has now enough water so it deserves a full visit, and the cranes are already around. On the contrary, Pedro Muñoz has very little water so you can skip it. This year, three temporal basins around Villacañas have been holding water since spring, and still have it...
  18. F

    A few unsure id - Mallorca in March 2023

    At the Balearic Islands Crested is in fact quite rare, Thekla is the default species
  19. F

    Bonelli's or Golden - Any help appreciated

    I think also that Spanish Imperial is more likely (massive bill, white feathers). If the photo is from Iberia it will be difficult to use location to decide, as the two most probable species (Bonelli and Spanish Imperial) overlap widely. Is there any other photo, even in flight, landing, etc...
  20. F

    Larus ID - Costa de Caparica, Portugal - September 2024

    It seems quite good for Herring. Piano type markings in coverts, light window in inner primaries, axillaries light and unpatterned, tertials with "oak type" pattern. But I'm not with gulls, so better wait for other with more knowledge
  21. F

    Is that a snipe or a jack snipe? Spanish east coast, both possible

    Common. Bill proportions alone rule out Jack Snipe.
  22. F

    Bonelli's Eagle from Morocco

    Yes, a first plumage Bonelli
  23. F

    Eleanora's falcon

    As for my location (Cuenca, Central Spain, a pre-reproductive area), I've been watching them for several years with a lot of hunting observations, and never seen them to attempt birds, even when the potential prey was at close quarters. They seem to feed mainly on big flying beetles...
  24. F

    Castilla la Mancha or Extremadura in late December?

    December is a good time to go to the area of La Mancha and although it will depend a little on how much it has rained in autumn, usually most of the main wetlands will hold water. In the area of Alcázar de San Juan I would visit La Veguilla next to the town and -if it has some water- the...
  25. F

    Aragon - Quinto T.M

    I guess that T.M. stands for "Término municipal", that is, for the whole area around the village and under its rule, not just the town or village itself. It could be big, in this case it is around 120 km2. As it is in an area with quite diverse habitats: steppes, the Ebro river with some big...