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White-winged Black Tit - BirdForum Opus

Alternative name: White-winged Tit

Photo by Trevor Hardaker
Abijata Shalla Lakes National Park, Ethiopia
Melaniparus leucomelas


Length 15-16 cm. Black with a white shoulder and black-and-white flight feathers.

The eyes are dark (White-shouldered Black Tit has yellow eyes), and the shoulder patch is solid white (Carp's Tit and Southern Black Tit have shoulder patches with black-and-white stripes).


Central Africa, from Angola in the west to Ethiopia.


Clements[1] accepts two subspecies:

Some authorities treat this species conspecific with White-shouldered Tit.
Formerly placed in genus Parus.


Woodland, including both acacia and broadleafed woodlands; not found in true forest.


Usually in pairs or small groups; joins mixed-species feeding parties.


A chee-er chee-er whistle and harsh churrs.


  1. Clements, JF. 2010. The Clements Checklist of Birds of the World. 6th ed., with updates to December 2010. Ithaca: Cornell Univ. Press. ISBN 978-0801445019. Spreadsheet available at http://www.birds.cornell.edu/clementschecklist/Clements%206.5.xls/view
  2. Sinclair, I and P Ryan. 2003. Birds of Africa South of the Sahara. Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press. ISBN 978-0691118154

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