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Template:Nav-Passer - BirdForum Opus

Genus Passer viewedit
P. ammodendri Saxaul Sparrow
P. domesticus House Sparrow
P. italiae Italian Sparrow
P. hispaniolensis Spanish Sparrow
P. pyrrhonotus Sind Sparrow
P. castanopterus Somali Sparrow
P. cinnamomeus Russet Sparrow
P. flaveolus Plain-backed Sparrow
P. moabiticus Dead Sea Sparrow
P. iagoensis Cape Verde Sparrow
P. hemileucus Abd al-Kuri Sparrow
P. insularis Socotra Sparrow
P. motitensis Great Sparrow
P. rufocinctus Kenya Sparrow
P. shelleyi Shelley's Sparrow
P. cordofanicus Kordofan Sparrow
P. melanurus Cape Sparrow
P. griseus Northern Grey-headed Sparrow
P. swainsonii Swainson's Sparrow
P. gongonensis Parrot-billed Sparrow
P. suahelicus Swahili Sparrow
P. diffusus Southern Grey-headed Sparrow
P. simplex Desert Sparrow
P. zarudnyi Zarudny's Sparrow
P. montanus Eurasian Tree Sparrow
P. luteus Sudan Golden Sparrow
P. euchlorus Arabian Golden Sparrow
P. eminibey Chestnut Sparrow