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Category:Celeus - BirdForum Opus

Genus: Celeus


A group of American Woodpeckers.


Celeus is a genus in the Family Picidae.
Rufous Woodpecker used to be placed in this genus but has now been moved to the genus Micropternus. Gill and Donsker include Helmeted Woodpecker here.

Genus Celeus viewedit
C. loricatus Cinnamon Woodpecker
C. torquatus Ringed Woodpecker
C. galeatus Helmeted Woodpecker
C. castaneus Chestnut-colored Woodpecker
C. undatus Waved Woodpecker
C. flavus Cream-colored Woodpecker
C. spectabilis Rufous-headed Woodpecker
C. obrieni Kaempfer's Woodpecker
C. ochraceus Ochre-backed Woodpecker
C. elegans Chestnut Woodpecker
C. lugubris Pale-crested Woodpecker
C. flavescens Blond-crested Woodpecker