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Castelnau's Antshrike - BirdForum Opus

Thamnophilus cryptoleucus
Photo by lior kislev
Iquitos, Peru, January 2010


Plumage mostly black, with white streaking on the scapulars. Dark eye and greenish hooked bill.


South America: found in Colombia, north-eastern Ecuador, northern Peru, western Amazonian Brazil.


This is a monotypic species[1].


Moist lowland forests and river islands.


It builds a deep, thin-walled cup nest, suspended from vegetation. The clutch consists of 2 cream, reddish-brown marked eggs.


  1. Clements, JF. 2009. The Clements Checklist of Birds of the World. 6th ed., with updates to December 2009. Ithaca: Cornell Univ. Press. ISBN 978-0801445019.
  2. Avibase
  3. Wikipedia
  4. BIOONE Online Journal
  5. BF Member observations

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