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Brown-winged Schiffornis - BirdForum Opus

Photo © by Fritz73
Porto Seguro, Brazil, September 2017

Alternative name: Eastern Schiffornis

Schiffornis turdina


17cm: Sexes alike. A brown or olive brown bird with no distinctive features though there are variations among the sub-species.

Has a distinctive "wide-eyed" look.


Colombia, Venezuela, Bolivia, Brazil, Peru, French Guiana, Suriname, Paraguay and Argentina.


Five subspecies recognized:

Was formerly included in Thrush-like Schiffornis.
It has traditionally been placed in the manakin family, but evidence strongly suggest it is better placed in Tityridae where now placed by SACC and Opus.


Supposedly fairly common in the lower growth of humid forest. Also in shaded secondary growth woodland. Normally seen below 1200m.


Not often seen. Perches quite low, clings to upright stems. Not often seen in mixed flocks.

Does respond to taped calls, but the different forms proposed split differ in their vocalizations.


  1. SACC proposal to split Thrush-like Schiffornis
  2. Birdforum thread discussing the taxonomy of Schiffornis and other birds

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