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Slaty-legged Crake - BirdForum Opus

Revision as of 14:50, 22 May 2008 by Kits (talk | contribs)
Rallina eurizonoides
Photo by Rakesh
Photo taken: Thane, India.


25 cm. Its body is quite flat laterally allowing easier passage through the undergrowth. Brown back, chestnut head and breast, black-and-white barring on the flanks, belly and undertail. The throat is white, the bill is yellowish, and the legs are green, long toes, short tail. Sexes are similar, but juveniles are dark brown above and below, belly barring and white throat.


India and Pakistan to Japan, the Philippines and Sulawesi and Sula Islands.


The range is shared among seven subspecies: eurizonoides, amauroptera, telmatophila, sepiaria, formosana, alvarezi, and minahasa.


Swamps and similar wet areas in well-wooded country.


Nests are built in a dry location on the ground or low bush, laying 4-8 eggs.

They probe with their bill in mud or shallow water for food, and pick up food by sight. They forage for berries and insects on the ground, or clambering through bushes and undergrowth.

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