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Jacobin Cuckoo - BirdForum Opus

Oxylophus jacobinus
Photo by Rakesh Photo taken: Ponda, Goa

Clamator jacobinus

Also known as Jacobin Cuckoo


33 cm. Adults have a prominent crest and a long, graduated tail. They occur in two distinct colour morphs: Adults of the light morph are black above with white underparts, whereas the dark morph is completely black except for a small white wing patch which occurs in both morphs. Juveniles are browner above and yellowish-white below.

It is a noisy species, with a persistent and loud pipew pipew pipew call.


Africa, India, Sri Lanka and Myanmar. winter.


A member of the order Cuculiformes, which also includes the Roadrunners and the Anis.

Clamator jacobinus has three subspecies:

  • C. j. jacobinus;
  • C. j. pica;
  • C. j. serratus.


Scrub, wetlands and cultivation.


It is a brood parasite, and lays its single egg mostly in the nests of Turdoides babblers.

Diet includes a variety of insects and caterpillars.

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