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Mountain Cacique - BirdForum Opus

Revision as of 16:50, 12 October 2010 by Wintibird (talk | contribs) (taxonomy, included northern mountain cacique)

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Photo by Peter R. Bono
Along Manu Road, near Pillahuata camp (2800m), Peru, July 2008
Cacicus chrysonotus

Includes Southern and Northern Mountain Cacique


Glossy black with bright yellow wing-coverts and rump. Iris of eye a pale blue. Bill a pale bluish gray. Female a sootier black.


Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Venezuela


Three subspecies recognized which are sometimes split in two species:

  • C. c. leucoramphus from the Andes of Colombia to southwest Venezuela and eastern Ecuador - Northern Mountain Cacique (with peruvianus)
  • C. c. peruvianus in the Andes of Peru
  • C. c. chrysonotus in the Andes of southeast Peru and northwest Bolivia - Southern Mountain Cacique or Bolivian Cacique


Canopy of upper subtropical and temperate forest.


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