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Fishlakes Peitzer Teiche(Berlin/ Brandenburg) - BirdForum Opus

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Fishlakes Peitzer Teiche.


Fishlakes 15 km north of Cottbus. This fishlake area is the biggest in Germany (10 km²). Cottbus is located on the river Spree.


Notable Species

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Birds you can see here include:

Eurasian Blackbird, Song Thrush, Common Starling, Chaffinch, Mute Swan, White Stork, Grey Heron, Great White Egret, Common Buzzard, Western Marsh Harrier, Eurasian Goshawk, Osprey 3 x, Green Woodpecker, Great Spotted Woodpecker, Yellowhammer, Common Reed Warbler, Eurasian Collared Dove, Eurasian Tree Sparrow, Barn Swallow, Common Swift, Common Magpie, Common Goldeneye female with 3 chicks, Mallard, Great Tit, Great Cormorant, White Wagtail, Red-backed Shrike, European Greenfinch, Common Tern, Black-headed Gull, Great Crested Grebe, Common Kingfisher 2 x, Eurasian Coot, European Robin, Common Wood Pigeon, Hooded Crow

Other Wildlife

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Site Information

History and Use

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Areas of Interest

6 km north of Cottbus is small village Lakoma. It is located on small interesting fishlakes, where I saw e.g. 2 Osprey. Further north you can drive between lakes to Peitz. On the east of the lakes is power station Peitz with a high chimney. There are lots of fish in the lakes, it is easy to see them.

Access and Facilities

If you cycle through Cottbus is possible on the river, almost without crossing streets. You just feel like in the park.

Contact Details

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"Vogelwelt in Berlin und Brandenburg"

External Links

Visit Berlin


06.08.2005 (20 degrees centigrade, wind 3 - 4 , cloudy with thunderstorm) Cycling tour from Bagenz around water supply dam of Spremberg - Cottbus - Lakoma - Peitz - Cottbus

At 24.09.2005 also 1 x Little Grebe Jay lots Mute Swan hundreds Teal

Examples for bird maximum assembly on fishlakes of Peitz:

Whooper Swan 268 in March Bean Goose more than 50.000 between Luebben and Peitz in October Grey Goose 80 - 100 breeding pairs

Pochard 2.440 in August Shoveler 290 in October Garganey 54 in July

Wigeon 796 in March Gadwall 66 in June 202 end of August Teal 1.420 in November 658 in April Mallard 2.100 in September

Pintail 56 end of September Tufted Duck 621 in September

Content and images originally posted by albatross02
