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Where premium quality meets exceptional value. ZEISS Conquest HDX.

Zeiss 8x32 FL T* Owners VS Possible Up Grade To The Zeiss 8x32 Victory SF 8x32 (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
United States
I have been reading so many solicitous treads/post of so many wanting or have already pre-ordered the New Zeiss 8x32 SF. I get it, the Zeiss SF will be a WOW binocular to many who have the ability to purchase one. My question to the many here who have owned and now currently own the Zeiss 8x32 FL T* .... do you really think the SF 8x32 will actually give you that much more of a WOW factor over the 8x32 FL visually to make you want to sell your 8x32 FL and purchase the SF 8x32 ? I just checked the prices between the two, with the 8x32 FL T* still available New for around $1700 or lower in the USA VS the $2000 an up for the 8x32 SF. I will probably never get the chance to handle the Zeiss 8x32 SF but I have handled the Little 8x32 FL T*. The impression I had from my short experience with the Zeiss 8x32 FL T* was ..... I very much liked its compact size. The 8x32 FL also provided enough eye relief for my glasses and its wide FOV was more than enough for my brain to take in/analyze and enjoy. I also thought it had a very high quality tank like build. Now combine all this with its amazing view optically, it left me thinking ..... Zeiss could never build another compact 32mm any better ?
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Hello Gcole,

I am almost stuck in my home on doctor's orders. I go food shopping and I make the rounds of my building complex's private garden, when few use it. I have not been able to make a comparison. From what others write, the SF has a wider field and perhaps better edge sharpness. I am in no hurry to order one and check it out at home.

The FL manages to have good eye relief and a good field of view, not an easy optical combination. If the SF does it better, I would have some interest.

Edit: I do not think that I would either sell or trade in my 8x32FL. The same goes for my 10x32FL, which is the only 10x that worked for me after trying two.

Stay safe,
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I would never say never. If someone really likes the 8X32 format, it would be worthwhile it to check one out. I am very satisfied with the FL 8X32 and as a travel glass to me, it is the best by far. For some the SF 8X32 is a curiosity, since the 8X42 SF obtained very good reviews.

Andy W.
I, for one, won’t be trading my 8x32 FLs for 8x32 SFs. That’s because the compact size of the FLs is of (perhaps outsized) importance to me. Others might find that to be of lower importance or entirely unimportant. (I’d prefer them to be yet smaller, but I’ve found my 8x32 FLs to be the best compromise - for me - between size, quality and usability. For example, I’d thought I’d go for Leica 8x32s over the Zeiss, but the ER of the Leicas just didn’t work for me.)

I’d be more inclined towards a full-sized set than not-especially-compact smaller-sized bins.
While i'm interested in seeing the SF32mm after around 5 years of rumour about its development, exchanging it for the FL is exceedingly unlikely.
It probably will be optically superior - FoV, edges at least. However, being almost the length of an 8x42 it defeats some of the purpose of the format and - even if i got £1000 for my FLs, i'd still be £1000 short - and for how much benefit?
Nope - the FLs are as good as i deserve, than you very much. Stubby, compact, lightweight, bright, sharp (at least as far out to the edges as i need to detect movement), wide FoV, robust, excellent focusser, good eye relief - and 'mine'.
Better to save the money to use on some birding trips.
The old rule of 'diminishing returns' certainly applies when dumping one alpha for another more expensive one.
Thanks everyone for your opinions, as I suspected I have yet to read any real negative points here or elsewhere of why I should not go ahead an purchase a pair of the the Zeiss 8x32 FL T* while they are still available. I am wondering if their prices will come down much if any after the 8x32 SF starts to arrive in the consumers hands ?
I have not seen too many FL 8X32s for sale out there except the usual large retailers, and none on sale either. If I were looking for one I would wait until the end of the year, there are always sales then.

Andy W.
I have not seen too many FL 8X32s for sale out there except the usual large retailers, and none on sale either. If I were looking for one I would wait until the end of the year, there are always sales then.

Andy W.

Hello Andy,

B&H Photo has an instruction of "Call for price" posted on its web site. I presume that there is a discount available.

Stay safe,
I have not seen too many FL 8X32s for sale out there except the usual large retailers, and none on sale either. If I were looking for one I would wait until the end of the year, there are always sales then.

Andy W.

Wait. ... :C I want it Now ... 3:)
The SF may be better, but my FL is very much good enough -- for me


My only gripe with the FL that I bought about a year and a half ago is that Zeiss had changed the coating to a (for me) at times irritating reddish-orange one. Before I got it, I had always been able to try an earlier version with the less flashy coating. But as the SFs will also all come with the red version, I see no need to even be tempted. :smoke:

I might look for an earlier version of the 8x32 FL, instead. o:)

Been successful for the x42 models in the meantime. :t:
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Several have commented on the difference in size between the SF x32 and the FL x32
Contributing factors are the added optical complexity needed for the significantly increased Field Of View, along with the weight to the rear ErgoBalance concept
See an image from the Zeiss web site

For an appreciation of the difference in the length, see two images:
• The first compares the SF to the Leica UV HD. It’s from Lee’s early review of the SF 8x32 at: https://www.birdforum.net/showpost.php?p=3986754&postcount=36

• The second compares the Leica UV HD and the Zeiss FL. It’s from Arek’s review of the Leica UV HD 8x32 at: https://www.allbinos.com/183-binoculars_review-Leica_Ultravid_8x32_HD.html

As can be seen, the Leica UV HD and the Zeiss FL are basically the same length, though the Leica is considerably more svelte!



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Several have commented on the difference in size between the SF x32 and the FL x32
Contributing factors are the added optical complexity needed for the significantly increased Field Of View, along with the weight to the rear ErgoBalance concept
See an image from the Zeiss web site

For an appreciation of the difference in the length, see two images:
• The first compares the SF to the Leica UV HD. It’s from Lee’s early review of the SF 8x32 at: https://www.birdforum.net/showpost.php?p=3986754&postcount=36


I remember my thoughts when I first saw a picture of the Zeiss SF 8x32 .. now in reference to a actual picture of the Zeiss SF next to the seemingly diminutive size of the Leica 8x32 ... Man the SF is large. Now I am thinking what is the point/benefit of purchasing such a large 8x32mm binocular over, one of the latest high end compact 42mm roof prism binoculars you can buy today from Japan or else where ? The price ... The SF is not cheap. It’s view optically ... objectively can a 32mm(SF) binocular outperform a high end level 42mm costing much less than the Zeiss SF ?
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... objectively can a 32mm binocular outperform a 42mm binocular costing less than the Zeiss SF 8x32 ?

Hello GCole,

Optically, a 42 mm, should provide a sharper image, all other things being equal but there are a lot of unequal things going on: coatings, blackening and baffling, and mechanical features like focussing.

Stay safe,
Even another worthy competitor looks a bit 'large' compared to the svelte and lovely Ultravid hd plus. Behold, the gargantuan 8x32 Swaro... ;)

Edit: added a bit of hackery, Lee's photo combined with a scaled version of
mine to illustrate the size of the Swaro relative to the SF32.


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As can be seen, the Leica UV HD and the Zeiss FL are basically the same length, though the Leica is considerably more svelte!


Either more svelte or more eye relief! Seems one can't get both together. For me, the main Leica problem is the insufficient eye relief.
[Beginning portion removed] ... The SF is not cheap. It’s view optically ... objectively can a 32mm(SF) binocular outperform a high end level 42mm costing much less than the Zeiss SF ?

Can you clarify what you mean by:
..a high end level 42mm costing much less..

Do you mean a 32mm SF compared to a $1,000 42mm second tier level such as the Conquest HD, Trinovid, Kowa Genesis Prominar, etc?

Or are you talking about the 32mm SF compared to the new lower prices of the 42mm Swaro EL SV, SLC, etc.?
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