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yellow wagtail , ssp ? (1 Viewer)

Michał Jaro

Well-known member
Hi, what do you think about this yw - imo certainly not ssp flava because of blackish ear coverts, dark head, thin supercillium - so dombrowskii? Or ssp from the far west (white throat?)? Additionally I send a picture of a "white" female - the birds were together


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First of all, thank you for your hints! I don't think it was flava - the ear covers and cheek are far too dark Imo. For flava / thunbergi hybrid - white throat doesn't fit (well, unless it's an illusion from these weak photos ..?)
Michał Jaro;3985036 said:
First of all, thank you for your hints! I don't think it was flava - the ear covers and cheek are far too dark Imo. For flava / thunbergi hybrid - white throat doesn't fit (well, unless it's an illusion from these weak photos ..?)

There is quite a bit of variation in flava, at least that is what I would call it. Birds with darkish ear coverts and cheeks are not really that unusual:


Yes I agree - I also observed various flava - but here we have black or almost black color, it cannot be a shadow effect - next to it we have bright colors - whitish throat, eyebrow. And this whiteness of the throat - also unusual. I add a bigger zoom


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