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Yellow wagtail subspecies, Corsica (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Hi, I photographed this yellow wagtail in Corsica today (March 19th), so far this year I saw only some cinereocapilla yellow wagtails (there's actually one in the background of this pic) but this one is something else. It's not nominate flava because of contrasting white throat.
So far I considered :
-M.flava iberiae (supercillium might be too wide ?)
-M.f.iberiae x flava
-M.f.cinereocapilla x iberiae
M.f.cnereocapilla x flava


Is it possible to determine this bird to subspecies/hybrid level ?

Thanks !
Hi and sorry for late answer - I noticed it today, I hope will be helpfull.
Looks perfect iberiae. Cinereocapilla should have a less pronounced brow and a darker head (even hybrids should show some mixed cinereocapilla features). This head is light gray. Throat all (not partly) white almost certainly excludes flava hybrids. Place is good for iberiae - in my opinion - too.
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