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Pronunciation (1 Viewer)

Gurlz - how does the Murican 'long I' sound to the rest of us that speak proper English n Dat ? :-O

Is it 'Ny' ? (sounds like 'eye' the way Beth said) ...... as in the way it sounds when people say 'NIKE' ?? :cat:

No wonder I haven't been able to learn any other languages - I'm still struggling with English ! o:D

Chosun :gh:

Like the I in HI! And just like every other location in the world we say it based on our local pronunciation?
I think our American brothers and sisters should be careful not to put the wrong 'em-phass-is' on the wrong 'sy-llable' :-O or else the NSA might think they are discussing 'aloo-minumb' 'toobes' for 'noo-kly-arr' (or NOO-kyuh-luhr as one ex-Prez used to say ! 3:) ) weapons ! :eek!: :-O
Which they fire into the air attached to liturgical Mass books.
Gurlz - how does the Murican 'long I' sound to the rest of us that speak proper English n Dat ? :-O

Is it 'Ny' ? (sounds like 'eye' the way Beth said) ...... as in the way it sounds when people say 'NIKE' ?? :cat:

Chosun :gh:

Nike the goddess of victory is pronounced knee-cay.

Nikon once had a camera line called, "Nikonos," which was meant for divers. The word also means son of Nike.

Stay safe,
Arthur :hi:
Quote: JPAC:
Nikkon:UK, Neekon:Japan, Nyekon:US
Mono means stuff or things in Japanese.

Looks like a useful word if you don't know the real Japanese term for something and do not want to indicate it with a finger e.g. I remember a word, don't know why it always has stuck to my mind: kakemono = something to hang, like: wall decoration. But what if a Japanese would make a remark about a one-piece swimming-suit?
Well, let's change the item of this conversation . . ., unless one would like to introduce a lexicon-jewel such as: kini-kini (for Hawaii?).
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