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Pronunciation (1 Viewer)


Staff member
I have always pronounced Nikon as Nick-On however I recently saw a YouTube video and throughout the presenter referred to Ni-Kon. This led me back to my rudimentary Japanese and is strictly phonetic pronunciation which would lead to Ni-Ko-N

So what are you?



So is the "i" sound like "I" or like the "i" part of "little"?

And I am Ni-Kon but the i sound depends on which country I am in.

I pronounce the "I" as a long vowel so it sounds like 'eye' .
I believe that's what Mono is thinking when he references "Ni-Kon"
Nick-on for me, just checked a few Nikon Japan videos and that is close to what they pronounce on their too, maybe a slightly longer emphasis on the “o” it seems in Japan, possibly Nick-ohn.

I would be prepared to change to the language of origin though if Ni-kon was used in the country of origin, a bit like Ikea - I now say Ick-eear to follow the Swedish pronunciation.
Nick-on for me, just checked a few Nikon Japan videos and that is close to what they pronounce on their too, maybe a slightly longer emphasis on the “o” it seems in Japan, possibly Nick-ohn.

I would be prepared to change to the language of origin though if Ni-kon was used in the country of origin, a bit like Ikea - I now say Ick-eear to follow the Swedish pronunciation.

I'll need to start switching to nick-on then. Had no idea I was using the incorrect pronunciation this whole time.
I kinda accept Ni-kon as an Americanism, first time I remembered hearing it was in Jurassic Park (2?).

An example is about 45 seconds in https://youtu.be/tbmfiRhpX0o

(It has annoyed me I typed their instead of there :-O)

Maybe I'll stick with Ni-kon then. People around these parts may look at me weird if I begin to talk about my new Nick-on binocular … even though we all have it wrong :-O
Nippon Kogaku!
Hmmm - in the current US climate, that sounds like it may be categorized as a terrorist organisation ! :eek!: ;)

Maybe I'll stick with Ni-kon then. People around these parts may look at me weird if I begin to talk about my new Nick-on binocular … even though we all have it wrong :-O

I think our American brothers and sisters should be careful not to put the wrong 'em-phass-is' on the wrong 'sy-llable' :-O or else the NSA might think they are discussing 'aloo-minumb' 'toobes' for 'noo-kly-arr' (or NOO-kyuh-luhr as one ex-Prez used to say ! 3:) ) weapons ! :eek!: :-O

Chosun :gh:
Ni-kon, long I

Long I for me as well Lisa!

Gurlz - how does the Murican 'long I' sound to the rest of us that speak proper English n Dat ? :-O

Is it 'Ny' ? (sounds like 'eye' the way Beth said) ...... as in the way it sounds when people say 'NIKE' ?? :cat:

No wonder I haven't been able to learn any other languages - I'm still struggling with English ! o:D

Chosun :gh:
Last edited:
I have always pronounced Nikon as Nick-On however I recently saw a YouTube video and throughout the presenter referred to Ni-Kon. This led me back to my rudimentary Japanese and is strictly phonetic pronunciation which would lead to Ni-Ko-N

So what are you?




I kinda accept Ni-kon as an Americanism, first time I remembered hearing it was in Jurassic Park (2?).

An example is about 45 seconds in https://youtu.be/tbmfiRhpX0o

(It has annoyed me I typed their instead of there :-O)

I think the harsh 'I' , NI-Kon, or N'eye'-Kon pronunciation is a distinctly North American thing.

Here in Oz it is more Nic-on ..... (with the 'k' of Nick abbreviated for the purposes of reducing fly intake whilst speaking ! :)

I think Kits is getting close with Knee-con ..... perhaps more like Nee-Kon ....

and listening to the Japanese pronunciation in the video clip Essex Tern posted it sounds softer - like 'Nekhon'

Chosun :gh:
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