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LESVOS BIRD NEWS 2023 (1 Viewer)

27th September 2023 - highlights from a report on Lesvos Birders FB group
Skala Kalloni
Tree Pipits 35 on passage heading East with hirundines.
Spotted Flycatcher
Common Redstart
Red rumped swallows
Dalmatian pelican fly over
Black Kite - an early movement of 20 birds was reported
Short-toed Treecreepers
Long-tailed Tits
Mikri Limani
Kruper's Nuthatch 4
Coal Tits
Long-tailed Tits
Cirl Buntings
Willow Warblers several parties
Polichinitos saltpans
Greater Flamingos
Little Stints
Kentish Plovers
Sandwich Terns 72
Black stork
Skala Vasilikon - coastal track
Northern Wheatears, Spot Flys and Red-backed Shrikes.
Shag 8
Mediterranean Gull 12
Common sandpiper 2
The following is a summary of a report by Howard Vaughan on Lesvos Birders Facebook group.
Howard is a Lesvos regular and a professional Bird / Wildlife Guide.
You can find his itinerary for UK (mainly South of England) and foreign guided tours on his
Blue Eyed Birder web site. For details of his Lesvos tour 17-24 April 2024 , click HERE.
28th September 2023

Apparently it was a dark and stormy night (and day):
Skala Kalloni
Grey Herons 21
Spotted Flys, Red-backed Shrikes and House Sparrows were all flycatching on flying ants
Tsiknias River
Dalmatian pelican
Med Gulls 18
Black-headed and Yellow-legged Gulls.
Red-back shrikes
Red-throated Pipits 26
Tree and Tawnt pipits
Crested Larks
Flava Wagtails and Wheatears
Red-footed Falcons 4
Lesser Kestrel
Marsh Harrier 2 female
Kalloni Salt Pans channel
Little Stints
Kalloni Salt Pans East
White Pelicans 4 immature, a scarce Lesvos bird.
Dalmatian Pelicans9
Spoonbill 14
Various waders with Grey Plovers and Curlews being audible.
Images from the past few days, digi scoped and shown here by kind permission of Craig Shaw
Details on the pics.


  • Honey buzzard juvenile Skalla Sikamineas 26-09-23 cc Craig Shaw.jpg
    Honey buzzard juvenile Skalla Sikamineas 26-09-23 cc Craig Shaw.jpg
    335.4 KB · Views: 8
  • Stone curlew Christou River 28-09-23 cc Craig Shaw.jpg
    Stone curlew Christou River 28-09-23 cc Craig Shaw.jpg
    232 KB · Views: 8
  • White pelicans Kalloni Salt Pans 28-09-23 cc Craig Shaw.jpg
    White pelicans Kalloni Salt Pans 28-09-23 cc Craig Shaw.jpg
    105.9 KB · Views: 7
  • Dalmatian pelican Kalloni Salt Pans 28-09-23 cc Craig Shaw.jpg
    Dalmatian pelican Kalloni Salt Pans 28-09-23 cc Craig Shaw.jpg
    132.9 KB · Views: 6
29th September 2023: Summary of Howard's daily report.
Skala Eresou river bridge
Night Heron- juvenile
Cetti's Warblers and Water Rail - heard
Eresos , Meladia Valey to Sigri
Blue and Great Tit
Willow Warbler
Cirl Buntings
Collared Flycatcher 1st winter male
Rock Nuthatches
Crested Larks
Red-backed Shrikes
Eastern Black-eared Wheatear
Rock Sparrows
Blue Rock Thrushes
Eleonora's Falcons - 11
Lesser Kestrel 5
Short-toed Eagle
Marsh Harrier
Starred Agamas
flava Wagtails 50
Red-throated Pipits 2
Petrified Forest road
Chukar 14
Levant Sparrowhawk
Common Linnets
Honey Buzzards 4
Short-toed Eagle juvenile
The following is a summary of a report by Howard Vaughan on Lesvos Birders Facebook group.
Howard is a Lesvos regular and a professional Bird / Wildlife Guide.
You can find his itinerary for UK (mainly South of England) and foreign guided tours on his
Blue Eyed Birder web site. For details of his Lesvos tour 17-24 April 2024 , click HERE.
30th September 2023

Tsiknias River.
Red-backed Shrikes
Spotted flucatchers
Black-capped Jays
Sand Martins
Dalmatian Pelican
Short-toed Eagles 2
Tree and Red-throated Pipits
White stork
Willow warblers
Marsh harrier 2 immature
Vafios and Argennos - Raptor watch points NB brisk north easterly wind off across the straight
Honey Buzzard 5
Marsh Harrier 5
Red-footed falcon 6
Eleanora's falcon 2
Steppe Buzzard
Common Buzzard a
Short-toed Eagle.
Kalloni Salt Pans Hide 2
Marsh Sandpiper 2
Spotted redshank
Kentish Plover
Little Stint and Dunlin flock
Ringed Plovers 4- 12 species on view.
Spannish sparrows 500 est

Report by another contributer:
Sigri - Eressos am

Blue Rock Thrush 2
Woodlarks 5
Rock sparrow 21
Eleonora’s falcon 3
Lesser Kestrel 2.
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1st October 2023: Summary of Howard's daily report :
Kalloni Salt Pans East - early morning
Curlews 18
Dalmatian pelicans 18
Mallard 2
Grey Plovers
Corn Buntings
Zitting Cisticola w
Marsh Sandpiper
Common Redshanks
Greater Flamingos
Tsiknias River , mouth and Loutzaria pm
Great White Egrets 12
Common Shelduck 11
Teal 5
Kalloni Salt Pans Channel
Ringed plover
Little Ringed Plovers
Racecourse area
Lesser Grey Shrike
Red-backed Shrikes
Willow Warblers
Common Whitethroat

Report 01-10-23 from Observation.org

Laughing dove
Christou River
Spotted redshank
Grey plover
1st October 2023
Missed from yesterdays post, Merlin female, Kalloni Salt Pans
The following is a summary of a report by Howard Vaughan on Lesvos Birders Facebook group.
Howard is a Lesvos regular and a professional Bird / Wildlife Guide.
You can find his itinerary for UK (mainly South of England) and foreign guided tours on his
Blue Eyed Birder web site. For details of his Lesvos tour 17-24 April 2024 , click HERE.
2nd October 2023

Grey and White Wagtails
Woodlarks were feeding with the House Sparrows
Lesser Kestrels 2
Skala Eresou
Eleonora's falcon
Scopoli's shearwater
Black kite
Middle Spotted Woodpecker 2

Short and sweet today as Howard is also doing the tourist thing.
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3rd October 2023: Summary of Howard's daily report :
Skala Kalloni
Common Starling
North Coast Raptor Watch Points & surrounds
Common Buzzards
Short-toed Eagle
European Robins
Gold, Greenfinch and Chaffinches
Siskin 2
Hawfinch 5
Meadow Pipit
Lesser Whitethroat
Cirl Buntings
Middle Spotted Woodpecker
Honey Buzzard 3
Red-footed Falcon
Skala Sykamineas to Eftalou track
passerine species detailed above + Garden Warbler and Eastern Orphean Warbler
Red-backed Shrikes
Blue and Great Tits
Wood Nuthatch
Song Thrushes.
Kalloni Raptor Watch Point
Short-toed Eagle 2
Goshawk 2
Common Buzzard
Potamia Valley & Old reservoir
Spotted flycatchers
Red-backed Shrikes
Cuckoo juvenilew
Mistle Thrush
Little Grebes 9
Coot 2

Report from Observado:
Kalloni Salt Pans West channel

Northern pintail 2
The following is a summary of a report by Howard Vaughan from Lesvos Birders Facebook group.
Howard is a Lesvos regular and a professional Bird / Wildlife Guide.
You can find his itinerary for UK (mainly South of England) and foreign guided tours on his
Blue Eyed Birder web site, along with many retrospective Lesvos trip reports.
For details of his Lesvos tour 17-24 April 2024 , click HERE.
UK-Lesvos flights end this week, consequently further reports, other than by locals, are unlikely.

Lesvos 4th October:
Pervoli Monastery.
European Robin 2
Dunnock 2
Grey Wagtail
Butterflies :Great Banded Grayling, Cardinal, Painted Lady and Small Copper ,Hummingbird Hawkmoths and a Queen White Tailed Bumblebee.
Ordimnos -Kreokopou monastery
Wood Nuthatches
Chaffinches, Tits, Robins and Wren
Short-toed Eagles 2
Sparrowhawk 2
Butterflies : Common Blues,Small Coppers ,Southern Comma, Painted Ladies,Eastern Rock, Freyer's and Great Banded Graylings.
All feeding along the mint lined stream formed from the dripping water system from the monastery.
Skala Eresou
(Lesser) Spotted Eagle sp.
Homeward 05-10-23
Tsiknias River

Dalmatian pelican 4
Black stork
Common redstart 2
Red-backed shrikes, Northern wheatears

This completes Howards reports for this trip.

Other reports by visiting birder.
Argennos Raptor Watch Point (north coast)
Spotted eagle.
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Red knot Calidris canutus
Gulf of Kalloni discovered by Belgian birder Johan De Rycke .
The image appears here with his kind permission.
This is the first image from Lesvos that I recall seeing in nearly 20 years.
There has been no more than a handful of previous records.


  • Red knot Calidris canutus Gulf of Kalloni 19-09-23 cc Johan De Rycke.jpg
    Red knot Calidris canutus Gulf of Kalloni 19-09-23 cc Johan De Rycke.jpg
    347.8 KB · Views: 3
A late report from the:
20th November 2023
Mitilini Harbour

Black-throated diver
As reported by Eleni Galinou on eBird.

27 November 2023
A report of overnight snow in the hills surrounding Agiassos
Some of the more interesting sightings of over-wintering birds
recorded by local conservationists, over the past few days.

Dipi-Larsos reedbed 9th December 2023

Water Rail 2
Moustached Warbler 2
Penduline tit 2

Kalloni Salt Pans 7th & 8th December 2023
Species included:
Slender billed gull
Northern pintail
Red breasted merganser
Eurasian wigeon
Black necked grebe
Great crested grebe
Northern lapwing
Golden plover
Report by a visiting UK birder on the Lesvos Bird News Facebook group
26th December 2023
Kalloni Salt Pans. no 1 Hide and track.

Dalmation Pelicans x9
Hen Harrier x1 male
Chiff Chaff x4
Spoonbill x 8
Redshank x6
Winter Wren
Meadow Pipits
Golden Plover x 40+

Reported on 20th Dec same site on eBird:
Common starling 30
Warning! This thread is more than 1 year ago old.
It's likely that no further discussion is required, in which case we recommend starting a new thread. If however you feel your response is required you can still do so.

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