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LESVOS BIRD NEWS 2023 (3 Viewers)

O4 August 2023
From Lesvos Bird News Facebook Group

Killian Mullarney currently holidaying on Lesvos, reports this morning at :
Kalloni Salt Pans
*Greater sand plover , Charadrius leschenaultii - this may be the first accepted record for the island
Also present 180 little stints and several dalmatian pelicans
Gulf of Kalloni - 29 July 2023
Killian also reported a rrare sub-adult* Arctic Skua in Kalloni Bay, off the racetrack, on the evening of 29 July.
* Both these sightings are backed with images, which unfortunately I don't have permission to reproduce.
Highlights from eBird reports 19/08/23
Kalloni Salt Pans

Garganey 2
Little gull
Slender billed gull 12
Dalmatian pelican 11
Greenshank 2
Spoonbill 10
Dunlin 2
Little stint 35
Grey plover 30

Red breasted flycatcher
20 August 2023 - Massive White Stork Migration.
A strange one for Lesvos , 100's of migrating white storks touched down to forage in the Lotzaria alfalf fields.
This was backed up by other reports of similar events and sightings of massive aerial movements from
other locations , included Mantamados .
As reported by Eleni Galinou, 20-08-23, on her Lesvos Bird News Facebook group
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02 September 2023
Return Migration
Just a note to say that with locals reporting increased numbers of willow warblers, wheatears and juvenile shrikes
return migration is now underway.
02 September 2023
Return Migration
Just a note to say that with locals reporting increased numbers of willow warblers, wheatears and juvenile shrikes
return migration is now underway.
I know that migration in autumn in the Northern Hemisphere is often called 'return migration', Mick, but actually it's 'outward migration'. I know it's just an established habit and probably is now customary usage to refer to it as 'return migration', but each year I try...!

Return migration is in spring when migrants return to the breeding grounds. If you think about it, after a good breeding year, the majority of migrants in autumn are juveniles and can outnumber adults: it's the first migration for juveniles and so they are not 'returning' to their wintering grounds...

That said, keep up the good work!
I know that migration in autumn in the Northern Hemisphere is often called 'return migration', Mick, but actually it's 'outward migration'. I know it's just an established habit and probably is now customary usage to refer to it as 'return migration', but each year I try...!

That said, keep up the good work!
Thanks for the correction MJB, on the subject of "outward migration" :
A couple of brief reports from a visiting UK birder ( as posted on Lesvos Bird News Facebook Group) :
4th September 2023
No 1 hide far side of Kalloni Saltpans

Grey Plovers x4
Curlew x4
Greenshank x2
Redshank x7
Dunlin x1
Avocet x2
Black Winged Stilt x4 juv
Curlew Sandpiper x1 juv
Spoonbills x2
Dalmation Pelicans x8
Kentish Plover x2
Slender Billed Gull x1
Common Sandpiper x1
Spotted Redshank x2
Little Ringed Plover x5

2nd September 2023
Vafios & Argenos Watchpoints

Short toed Eagle x5
Honey Buzzard
Bee eaters

Reported from eBird :
2nd September 2023
Kalloni Salt Pans

Red-necked phalarope
Tawny pipit x 6
Golden oriole
30 August 2023
Haramida Marsh

Marsh warbler
29 August 2023
Kalloni Salt Pans

Montegu's harrier
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5th September 2023
Migration appears to be in full swing.
Reports from Lesvos Birders Facebook group, various visiting individuals
Meladia Valley
Red Backed Shrikes 200+
Woodchat shrikes
Masked Shrikes
Lesser Grey Shrike
Wryneck 2
Spotted Flycatchers good numbers

Kalloni Salt Pans
Roller juvenile
Tawny pipit
Broad billed sandpiper
West Channels
Spur Winged Plover

Red back shrikes, juveniles and adults in large numbers
Nightjar - image by local ex pat Steve Bird


  • European nightjar, Eressos 05-09-23 cc Steve Bird.jpg
    European nightjar, Eressos 05-09-23 cc Steve Bird.jpg
    1.3 MB · Views: 0
6th September 2023
Kalloni Salt Pans
Sightings reported on Lesvos Bird News Facebook group:
Kalloni Saltpans Hide no.3
Caspian Tern x2
Slender Billed Gulls
Images by permission of visiting birder Michael Jackson
Caspian terns and broad billed sandpiper.
Caspian Tern amongst slender billed gulls Kalloni Salt Pans cc Michael Jackson.jpg Broad billed sandpiper Kalloni Salt Pans 06-09-23 cc Michael Jackson.jpg
9 September 2023
Various facebook reports :
Black kite
Potamia Valley
Bee-eaters 20
Tree Pipits 2
Tawny Pipits 2
Golden Oriole
Orphean warbler
Potamia old reservoir :
Night heron
Pygmy Cormorant - apparently present on 08-09-23
Lots of shrikes and spotted flycatchers.
As reported on eBird recent highlights:
9th September 2023
Kalloni Pool

Stone curlew 4
Night heron 8
Pithariou Reservoir ,Eressos
Eleonora's falcon 4
Polichnitos Saltpans
Sandwich terns 37
Christou River
Sand martin 10

8th September 2023
Alykes/Kalloni Salt Pans

Montagu's harrier
Temminck's stint
Christou River
Whimbrel 2

7th September
Alykes/Kalloni Salt Pans

Common starling 4

Laughing dove 3

6th September
Haramida Marsh

Black kite 6
Garden warbler 2
11th September 2023
Some highlights as reported on Facebook
Meladia Valley

Rock sparrow 10
Honey buzzard juv
Red backed shrike 10
Krüper' s nuthatch 3
Short toed treecreeper
Short toed eagle
Kalami Marsh
Bonelli's eagle
Kalloni Salt Pans
Broad billed sandpiper

10th September 2023
Some highlights as reported on the eBird website :
Tsiknias River
Zitting cisticola 2
Water rail
Night heron 3
Grey plover 2
Slender billed gull

Polichnitos Saltpans
Whiskered tern 4
Sandwich tern 24
Greenshank 7

Honey buzzard 23
Marsh harrier 2
Scopoli’s Shearwater 2
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Summary of highlights:
Shrikes , wheatears, warblers and other common passerines are still seen in good numbers:
13th September 2023
From Lesvos Birders Facebook Group :
Tsiknias River

Spotted redshank x 2
Kalloni Salt Pans
Dalmatian Pelican 5
Spoonbill 9
Potamia Old Reservoir
Night heron
Pigmy cormorant

From eBird Northern Aegean
12th September 2023
Psaropotamos River - Eressos

Water Rail
Cory's Shearwater
Tsiknias River
Common cuckoo
Meladia Valley
Golden oriole 2
Rock sparrow
Petrified Forest
Honey buzzard
Some migration highlights:
From eBird:
13th September 2023
Brief report from a visiting birder:

Honey buzzard x 2 being mobbed by a succession of ravens.
Also a few short toed eagles around and one carrying a snake
From eBird:
Kalloni Pool

Scops owl 2
Barn owl
Potamia Reservoir
Little grebe 48
Levant sparrowhawk
Potamia Old Reservoir
Green sandpiper
Tree pipit
Thrush nightingale
Christou River
Temminck's stint
Haramida Marsh
European bee eater 17
Common redstart
Tsiknias River
Water rail
Kalloni Salt Pans
Greater Flamingo 500
Dalmatian pelican 8
Spoonbill 20
Stone curlew 5
Slender billed gull 5

From Lesvos Birders
Tsiknias River

Spotted redshank x2
Kalloni salt pans
Spoonbill 9
Dalmatian pelican 5

From Lesvos Birders Facebook group
Late news
Eressos last week no date

Squacco heron, 22 touched down during a storm.
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A summary of the more interesting recent sightings as reported on :
17th September 2023
From Facebook, Lesvos Birders Group:
Potamia Reservoir

Dalmatian Pelican 4
Potamia Old Reservoir
Pigmy cormorant
16th September 2023
Tsiknias River

Squacco heron
Purple heron
Slender billed gull
Dalmatian pelican - off shore
eBird Northern Aegean
Polichnitos Saltpans

Greenshank 4
Marsh sandpiper
Slender billed gull
Black headed gull
Dalmatian pelican
Kalloni Salt Pans
Grey plover
Spoonbill 10
Zitting cisticola 2
Cory's shearwater
Honey buzzard
Sedge warbler 2
Kalloni Pool
Scops owl
15th September 2023

Some images by kind permission of Thomas-Jorge Luke Cameron Gibson, taken during his stay on Lesvos
07/09-14/09 2023 - species as stated on image.



  • Night heron Lesvos w-e 14-09-23 cc T.J.L Cameron Gibson.jpg
    Night heron Lesvos w-e 14-09-23 cc T.J.L Cameron Gibson.jpg
    139.9 KB · Views: 5
  • Little stint Lesvos w-e 14-09-23 cc T.J.L Cameron Gibson.jpg
    Little stint Lesvos w-e 14-09-23 cc T.J.L Cameron Gibson.jpg
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  • Laughing doves Loutra w-e 14-09-23 cc T.J.L Cameron Gibson.jpg
    Laughing doves Loutra w-e 14-09-23 cc T.J.L Cameron Gibson.jpg
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  • Honey buzzard Lesvos w-e 14-09-23 cc T.J.L Cameron gibson.jpg
    Honey buzzard Lesvos w-e 14-09-23 cc T.J.L Cameron gibson.jpg
    91.4 KB · Views: 5
  • Eleonora's falcon Lesvos w-e 14-09-23 cc T.J.L Cameron Gibson.jpg
    Eleonora's falcon Lesvos w-e 14-09-23 cc T.J.L Cameron Gibson.jpg
    173.2 KB · Views: 5
  • Broad billed sandpiper Kalloni Salt Pans w-e 14-09-23 cc T.J.L Cameron Gibson.jpg
    Broad billed sandpiper Kalloni Salt Pans w-e 14-09-23 cc T.J.L Cameron Gibson.jpg
    276.6 KB · Views: 5
  • Bonelli's eagle Kalloni Salt Pans w-e 14-09-23 cc T.J.L Cameron Gibson.jpg
    Bonelli's eagle Kalloni Salt Pans w-e 14-09-23 cc T.J.L Cameron Gibson.jpg
    67.3 KB · Views: 5
  • Short toed eagle Lesvos w-e 14-09-23 cc T.J.L. Cameron Gibson.jpg
    Short toed eagle Lesvos w-e 14-09-23 cc T.J.L. Cameron Gibson.jpg
    212.8 KB · Views: 5
19th September 2023
Still spot fly's wheatears, chat's, shrikes and willow warblers passing through in numbers ,
otherwise very little out of the ordinary reported today :

Lotzaria (fields between river and Kalloni Salt Pans)
Montagu's harrier - juvenile
Tsiknias River
Auduin's gull
Slender billed gull
Purple Heron
Squacco heron
Rufous bush robin

eBird Northern Aegean
Polichnitos Saltpans
Sandwich tern 35
Kalloni Salt Pans
Spoonbill 25
Dalmatian pelican 3
Great white egret
Grey plover
Marsh harrier

Water rail
Great reed warbler
Green sandpiper
Greenshank 2
Meladia Valley (Sigri)
Tawny pipit 3
Observation.org 18-09-23
Potamia Old Reservoir

Pigmy Cormorant
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The last few weeks have seen temperatures in the high 30c's obviously exacerbating the very dry conditions on Lesvos.
Rain is expected later this week , the forecast showing thunderstorms and temperatures in the 20's
At last a report with some decent numbers of raptors , by visiting birder Jed & Ralph, shared on Lesvos Birders Facebook group.
24th September 2023
Vafios Watchpoint
Raptor Migration 10:55-18:15

Honey Buzzard 425
Marsh Harrier 42
Booted Eagle 5 (4 Pale Phase)
Red Footed Falcon 44- inc. kettles of 19 & 20 at around 17:00 & 18:00
Short Toed Eagle 3
Long Legged Buzzard 4
Steppe Buzzard 34- kettles of 15, 13 & 6
Black Kite 4
Hobby 3
Montagu’s Harrier Ringtail 2- 13:25 & 17:30
Lesser Kestrel 1
Goshawk 1
Peregrine 1
Sparrowhawk 2
Common Buzzard 1
Kestrel sp 1
Medium Raptor 2
Buzzard sp 4

Total Raptors 579
Total Species 16

A separate report in the group, records :
Black Stork
Little Egrets 6
Ruff 2
Greenshank 2
Kingfishers 3
Rock Nuthatches
Short-toed Eagle
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25th September 2023 - as reported on Lesvos Birders Facebook Group
Kalloni Village
Little Bunting (Emberiza pusilla)

This is only the second record for Lesvos, the previous one being Hamrida in 1997 and the 5th for Greece.
It was photographed by a UK birder, in Kalloni Village enjoying itself against a leaking hosepipie.
Vafios Watchpoint
Raptor Migration 25/09/23 as reported by 6 UK birders
Red Footed Falcon 298
Booted Eagle 2 (1 pale phase)
Black Kite 4
Pallid Harrier 3- Male 15:05, R/T 16:45, Male 17:00
Montagu’s Harrier- Ringtail 16:50
Hen Harrier- Ringtail 17:26
Harrier sp 17:05
Honey Buzzard 54
Osprey 3
Marsh Harrier 61- inc. flock of 11 and several of 6
Long Legged Buzzard 1,
Short Toed 4
Sparrowhawk 10
Hobby 9
Levant Sparrowhawk 2 17:32
Goshawk 1
Peregrine 2
Lesser Kestrel 1
Falcon sp 3
Medium Raptor 4
Large Raptor 1- possible Aquilla Eagle but very distant and couldn’t locate in scope
Buzzard sp 3
Kestrel sp 6
Total Raptors 475
Total Species 16/17

Big numbers of Bee Eater and Hirundines moving all day too.

Other report by regular Howard Vaughan
Kalloni Salt Pans hide 2

Little Stint 27
Dunlin 12
Curlew Sandpiper 2
Marsh Sandpiper 2
Ringed Plover 3
Kentish Plover
Little Egrets 12
Great White Egrets 3
Common Kestrel
Western marsh harrier juv
Dalmatian pelican 7 (Observation.org)
Common cuckoo
Nightjar (evening)
Tsiknias River
Water rail (Observation.org)
Lesvos 26th September: Summary as reported by Howard Vaughan on the Lesvos Birders Facebook group.
Kalloni Village complex
Tree Pipits, Serins,Spotted flycatchers,RB Shrikes ,Willow warblers and Chaffinches coming to the garden irrigation system.
Golden Oriole flashed & Spotted Woodpeckers also seen.
No sign of yesterdays little bunting.
Blackcaps,Sardinian Warblers & Spot Flys and a Red-breasted Flycatcher heard
Ravens, Common Buzzard .Steppe Buzzard .
Ancient Antissa and surrounds
Sombre Tits, Cirl Buntings and Rock Nuthatch, Spot Flys , Red-backed Shrikes
Red-throated Pipit good fly over
Water Rail heard at the river
Kalo Limani area
Willow Warblers, Stonechats, Cirl Buntings, Rock Nuthatch,Blue rock thrush
Marsh Harrier & honey buzzard

Tsiknias, Loutzaria and Alykes circuit (evening)
Great White Egrets
Curlew 6
Grey Plover
Golden Plover 2
Meadow Pipit
Tawny Pipit 2
Dalmatian Pelicans
Marsh Harriers 2 juveniles
Steppe Buzzard
Western yellow wagtails
House Sparrows
Corn Buntings
White Storks 5
Short-toed Eagle
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