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LESVOS BIRD NEWS 2023 (1 Viewer)

Unfortunately I’m a bit behind at the moment, recovering from a knee replacement op. That said, news is still a bit thin.

Kalloni Salt Pans
great spotted cuckoo

red breasted merganser x 4

isabelline wheatear - an early one
golden plover

reed bunting female

all the above photographed by the same local enthusiast.

Also worth noting that there are still , out West, a fair number of over wintering black redstarts.
Hope your recovery from the op is quick Mick. I'm not receiving some emails via the usual route so just seen yours. Will email shortly.

Local conservationist Eleni Galinou reports more evidence of migration
on the Lesvos Bird News Facebook group :
Mesa/Gulf and Kalloni Salt Pans
Northern Wheaters
Black-eared Wheatears
Barn Swallows
House Martins
Sand Martins
Red-rumped Swallow
Black-winged Stilts
Garganey x9
Great crested grebe - large flock

Others have reported sandwich terns and several marsh harriers in the same general area.
Local conservationist Eleni Galinou reports more evidence of migration
on the Lesvos Bird News Facebook group :
Mesa/Gulf and Kalloni Salt Pans
Northern Wheaters
Black-eared Wheatears
Barn Swallows
House Martins
Sand Martins
Red-rumped Swallow
Black-winged Stilts
Garganey x9
Great crested grebe - large flock

Others have reported sandwich terns and several marsh harriers in the same general area.
DO you have a link to the FB page please !
13 March 2023 Gulf of Kalloni
Black necked Grebe (Podiceps nigricollis)
image cc M Kladogeni
White Storks are pairing up and at their traditional nest sites.
As reported on Eleni Galinou's Lesvos Bird News Facebook Group
Our long established Lesvos Birders Facebook Group is : here
For all your Lesvos birding information needs; Steve Dudley's historical reports (downloadable), the best sites, species lists etc
view our Lesvos Birders web site
W/E 25 March 2023
Lots of Northern wheatears and chiffchaffs in.
Skala Kalloni & Salt Pans area , bird news this week:
30 glossy ibis dropped in
The first cattle egret of the season reported
a large flock of ruff landed at Alykes

the first common red redstart of Spring reported
a pair of gargany and a single green sandpiper
25 September 2022

First common swifts reported

Kalloni Salt Pans
Cattle egret
Great white Pelican x 3

Both the above are scarce visitors to Lesvos
29 March 2023
Tsiknias River
Little bittern - an early one for Lesvos

26 March 2023
Kerami School
First scope owl of the season reported.

Note 29/03
temperatures have dipped again with snow falling on the hills.

As reported on Lesvos Bird News Facebook group.
29 March 2023
A visiting UK photographer, on his first day on the island, reports :
Short toed eagle, blue rock thrush,Cretzschmars bunting
Greater flamingos, several Greenshank, redshank, Ruddy & common shelducks, common redstart
Achlederi pines/Coastal pool
Chaffinches flock,Eastern long-tailed tit, black-eared wheatear, wood sandpiper, common sandpiper, little egret.
Kalloni Salt Pans:
yellow wagtail (mostly Feldegg)
meadow pipits
green sandpipers 2
little ringed plovers
grey plover 3
Mediterranean gulls flock
Ruff 3-
Northern wheatears
Sparrowhawk - female

Subalpine warbler, cirl bunting, serin, black-eared wheatear, collared flycatcher

Tsiknias river: vegetation cut and being burnt on banks near ford
Little crake, female, evening

same reporter
30 March 2023 - 1c frosty start am
Tsiknias river

Savi's warbler x 2

Kalloni gulf:
Great-crested grebes 20, several pairs of red-breasted mergansers and black-necked grebes

Alykes fields:
Yellow wagtails 50+. Common swift, red-rumped swallow, curlew, common kestrel

Garganey, spoonbill, white stork

Cretzschmars bunting, ST eagle, black-eared wheatear

Kalloni salt pans:
Green sandpiper, 6 northern wheatear

All the above as reported on Lesvos Birders Facebook Group.
31 March 2023
Additional species reported by Kevin today :
Eastern sub alpine warbler , blue rock thrush, savis warbler

Marsh sandpiper 6

Kalloni Salt Pans East track
Northern shoveler 12, wigeon 8, black winged stilt 50

As reported on Lesvos Birders Facebook Group
1 April 2023
Our visiting UK birder reports that the lower ford at Faneromeni
has been replaced by a low lying concrete bridge. Ironically the
river itself, sadly is absolutely bone dry.
Meladia Valley Ford.
For has been replaced by a concrete bridge , however there
is little flowing water.

The extremely windy conditions out West resulted in a return
to the Kalloni area, where the only bird of note to be reported
was the first woodchat shrike of the season near Achladeri.
2 April 2023
Conditions were grey wet and overcast.
Polichnitos Salt Pans
A pair of vocal great spotted cuckoos reported.
Spoonbill x 4
Alikoudi Pool
good numbers of avocet and flamingo

As reported on Lesvos Birders Facebook group.
4 April 2023
Following a thunder storm and torrential rain overnight
Kevin, our visiting birder, headed West hoping for a ”fall”
of migrants. At last the creeks and river beds are apparently
overflowing with fast flowing streams. Whether at this late stage
it will see the advent of the huge numbers of tadpoles that hatch
in early Spring , is yet to be seen. Until now the lack of winter rainfall
will have left the frog species without their normal spawning
grounds, which in turn attract herons and wading birds at this time of year. Heavy rain resumed in the afternoon.

What he reported:
Meladia Valley
Cinerous bunting
Collared flycatchers - “ countless”
Woodchat shrike 27
Ruppells warbler

Faneromeni - NB multiple sightings of each species
Pied flycatcher
Collared flycatcher
Lesser whitethroat
Common redstart
Eastern subalpine warbler
Yellow wagtails
Spanish sparrow
singles of :
Common cuckoo
Ortolan bunting

Mt. Ordimnos
Rock nuthatch
Blue rock thrush

Northern wheatear
Isabelline wheatear
Pied flycatcher

As reported on Lesvos Birders Facebook group.
Last edited:
5 April 2023
Another wet grey day on the island of Lesvos.
However a UK flora lover , visiting last week, reports a fantastic
show of orchids at various locations.
The kruppers nest site at Achladeri is yet to be discovered with our
visiting birder drawing a blank with the species.
Alykes Wetland
Singles of juvenile hen and pallid harrier were the only birds
of note reported by Kevin.
6 April 2023
Rainstorms , grey and damp conditions persist.
Our adventurer reports from out West , Sigri - Faneromeni
Still lots of common black and white flycatchers and warblers
coming in and joined by a fall of tree pipits at the Meladia Valley.
The only other sighting of note being a wryneck along a track heading
from Meladia toward Ipsilou, not an area I’m personally familiar with.
A few new arrivals worth reported by our visiting birder, over the past few days.
9 April 2023
Alykes “Sheep fields”
Tawny pipits
Savis warbler

Tsiknias River
Little crakes x 2 female

Kalloni salt pans
Marsh harrier

10 April 2023
Faneromeni - European roller
Still lots of B&W flycatchers , commonredstarts and-common warblers in the General area.

Sigri Cheese Factory
Ortolan bunting x 2

11 April 2023
Alikoudi Pool beach
Collared pratincole

Kalloni Pool
Squacco heron x 2

Christou River
Cattle Egret
Some images of recent Lesvos bird sightings by kind permission on Ron McDonald.
Locations and species as titled.


  • Short-toed snake eagle (Circaetus gallicus) Meladia Valley 130423 cc Ron McDonald.jpg
    Short-toed snake eagle (Circaetus gallicus) Meladia Valley 130423 cc Ron McDonald.jpg
    52.6 KB · Views: 6
  • Woodchat shrike (Lanius senator) Meladia Valley 130423 cc Ron McDonald.jpg
    Woodchat shrike (Lanius senator) Meladia Valley 130423 cc Ron McDonald.jpg
    88.4 KB · Views: 5
  • Eastern Orphean Warbler Curruca crassirostris Meladia Valley 130423 cc Ron McDonald.jpg
    Eastern Orphean Warbler Curruca crassirostris Meladia Valley 130423 cc Ron McDonald.jpg
    156.9 KB · Views: 7
  • Tawny pipit Anthus campestris  Alykes Wetland 120423 cc Ron McDonald.jpg
    Tawny pipit Anthus campestris Alykes Wetland 120423 cc Ron McDonald.jpg
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15 April 2023
The usual array of migrating passerines has been reported at various locations, including: B&W flycatchers, the first spotted flycatchers
along with common warblers. However the find of the day was Ron McDonalds superb wryneck at Faneromeni , seen below.
Also reported at the Tsknias River mouth a single Dalmatian Pelican.


  • Wryneck (Jynx torquilla) Faneromeni 150423 cc Ron McDonald.jpg
    Wryneck (Jynx torquilla) Faneromeni 150423 cc Ron McDonald.jpg
    185.6 KB · Views: 7
16 / 17 April 2023
More stunning images by kind permission Ron Mc Donald, currently on Lesvos:
Laughing Dove, Lautra Village 16/04/23
Great spotted cuckoo, Alykes racetrack 17/04/23
Red throated pipit, Lotzaria 16/04/23
Citrine wagtail - male, Achladeri coastal pool 17/04/23


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18 April 2023 a few Spring firsts
A Swedish birding group reports :
Kalloni Salt Pans
50 collared pratincoles
red-footed falcon
golden plovers 4 - rare for spring
Christou river wetland
short-toed eagle,
masked shrike
30 glossy ibis

UK birder reports
Kalloni Salt Pans pump house
Spur winged plover

Red foot Image by permission of Ron McDonald 18/04/23
Spur wing plover, by permission of Jason Coppock


  • 1F3C237F-5D71-442F-8CAB-92586B12C19A.jpeg
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  • Spur Winged Plover Kalloni Salt Pans 190423 cc Jason Coppock.jpg
    Spur Winged Plover Kalloni Salt Pans 190423 cc Jason Coppock.jpg
    156.3 KB · Views: 2
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