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Gwent birding (1 Viewer)

i think the seed thing only happened once and it was only a small amount, but i can certainly see where your coming from. Also could you thank your boss for being so good with having birders wandering around the carpark! i few staff and security guards have come out and have all been very interested.

Anyway, its still there today but proved very elusive all morning and didnt show until 2:30 and was only about for an hour or so catching insects from its favourite sign.
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heres a few pics from today.


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Typical, I get 3 hours sleep and wander up there - no sight of it...you go back after our visit and hey presto - bet when I get back up there it will have gone back to bed!
I had some great views this evening!Managed a couple of pics but the light was failing.


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Sadly it was a no show for moi again....light was fading quickly and the only inter action was from the security guard who asked did I have permission to be there coz it was private property. There's always tomorrow but I suppose when you have had at least 3 or 4 lifers in the last few days I can't be that bad about it.
Fabulous shots Luke and Mike, looks like it pays off parking near that post! Hopefully it will stay long enough for me to get as good!!
Yet another exciting day in gwent with me finding an Aquatic warbler at the wetlands!!!! Thankfully a managed to get a few people there to see it aswell. Obviously i was quite keen to have another person see it as i was the only observer at the time. And i am rather releived to see on RBA, that another birder (pos tim hall?? BF member) has seen it this evening.

I left Tim waiting at around 3:30 so hopefully he was lucky.
for anyone interested it was showing about 150yds east of the lighthouse at uskmouth just past the T juction.

What will be tommorow??? nothing as i am in work!

Oh and at goldcliff there was 1 little stint, 3 ruff, and 1 curlew sand out on the estuary.
Yet another exciting day in gwent with me finding an Aquatic warbler at the wetlands!!!! Thankfully a managed to get a few people there to see it aswell. Obviously i was quite keen to have another person see it as i was the only observer at the time. And i am rather releived to see on RBA, that another birder (pos tim hall?? BF member) has seen it this evening.

I left Tim waiting at around 3:30 so hopefully he was lucky.
for anyone interested it was showing about 150yds east of the lighthouse at uskmouth just past the T juction.

What will be tommorow??? nothing as i am in work!

Oh and at goldcliff there was 1 little stint, 3 ruff, and 1 curlew sand out on the estuary.

Blimey,you did well.Did you get any pics?
thanks mike, no i didnt get any pics, my camera was in the car! anyway i was too excited to get any pics. I have just done my description but the county recorder was going down after i phoned him so hopefully he'll see it so my description wont be so vital.

Apparently, no sign of the black redstart today Mike?
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No.I went up on the way home from work.Saw Steve,Rod and Lee but it didnt show.Also went up about 6 this evening and still nothing.There werent any insects around though so that didnt help.

PS,always and I mean always take your camera with you.
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Sadly it was a no show for moi again....light was fading quickly and the only inter action was from the security guard who asked did I have permission to be there coz it was private property. There's always tomorrow but I suppose when you have had at least 3 or 4 lifers in the last few days I can't be that bad about it.
None of the rest of us have had any problems Alan.The boss of the unit opposite even came over to have a look!You must have that "dodgy" look about you (lol).
The Aquatic Warbler showed well on and off from 1655 (I'd gone to Goldcliff by then!) until at least 1845, when hunger took over. Just before I left at 1645, Gareth Stamp and another Glamorgan birder arrived, and I passed Luke's information on. They refound it quickly.
Luckily it hung around until I got back from Goldcliff and I had far better views than I dared hope for.
Thanks to Luke for showing me where he'd seen the bird. Later on, it was about 150 yards further east of where it was first seen.
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