Despite spending a good amount of time outside today as the sun melted last night's snowfall I still couldn't hear or see any Siskin or Bullfinch and the feeder regulars have still not had a Sparrowhawk to contend with. I continue to 'scope the dung heap c600m away as the snow melts faster on the heap than on the surrounding fields or lane, something the Grey Wagtail sometimes takes advantage of. No wagtail, but this morning there were
Chaffinch, Goldfinch, Blackbird, Fieldfare, Mistle Thrush and Great Spotted Woodpecker in attendance and a
Common Buzzard in the tree overlooking the heap (it's just to the right of the two buildings on the left of the photo).
I gave it another go this afternoon when the snow had melted some more, enabling three very unexpected visitors to glean seeds washed off the fields onto the lane that passes the spot. My first thought was "that female Chaffinch looks unusually grey"

38 White-winged Snowfinch
A garden List lifer,
No. 116🍾Last year I found two near the village in January, the first time in my life that I had seen the species below 1800m so this was definitely not on the radar as I assumed it was a freak occurrence! I'll be getting Ptarmigan under the feeders next

A bit too far for the camera, but I attach a couple of 'record shots'.