Full day beginning at Blyth on the Colorado River (border of Arizona/California), then shifting westward to the excellent Salton Sea, both north and southern ends.
As well as the 108 bird species, superb views of a Bobcat, plus a nice dawn chorus of Coyoti song.
Snow Goose - 2000+ Salton Sea
Ross's Goose - 20+ Salton Sea
Greater White-fronted Goose - one Blyth
Blue-winged Teal - 15 Salton Sea
Cinnamon Teal - 25+ Salton Sea
Northern Shoveler - abundant Salton Sea
Gadwall - two Blyth, 40+ Salton Sea
American Wigeon -20+ Blyth, 60+ Salton Sea
Mallard - 15+ Blyth, several Salton Sea
Mexican Duck - one Salton Sea
Northern Pintail - common Salton Sea
Green-winged Teal - common Salton Sea
Canvasback - one Blyth
Ring-necked Duck - six Blyth, 40+ Salton Sea
Lesser Scaup - two Blyth
Bufflehead - 25+ Salton Sea
Common Goldeneye - two Blyth
Ruddy Duck - 40+ Salton Sea
Gambel's Quail - ten Blyth, 12 Salton Sea
Pied-billed Grebe - two Blyth
Eared Grebe - 40+ Salton Sea
Feral Pigeon - several Blyth
Eurasian Collared Dove - abundant Salton Sea
Inca Dove - 12 Blyth
Mourning Dove - common Salton Sea
Greater Roadrunner - five Blyth, two Salton Sea
White-collared Swift - 35+ Salton Sea
Anna's Hummingbird - one Blyth
Common Gallinule - one Salton Sea
American Coot - 30+ Blyth, abundant Salton Sea
Sandhill Crane - 40+ Blyth
Black-necked Stilt - 250+ Salton Sea
American Avocet - 40+ Salton Sea
Black-bellied Plover - five Salton Sea
Killdeer - four Blyth, several Salton Sea
Snowy Plover - four Salton Sea
Long-billed Curlew - one Salton Sea
Sanderling - two Salton Sea
Least Sandpiper - 30+ Blyth, 500+ Salton Sea
Western Sandpiper - one Salton Sea
Long-billed Dowitcher - 200+ Salton Sea
Wilson's Snipe - two Salton Sea
Spotted Sandpiper - two Blyth
Willet - six Salton Sea
Greater Yellowlegs - two Blyth, ten Salton Sea
Bonaparte's Gull - common north of Salton Sea
Ring-billed Gull - Salton Sea
California Gull - Salton Sea
Caspian Tern - five Salton Sea
Double-crested Cormorant - 150+ Salton Sea
Snowy Egret - common Salton Sea, two Blyth
Great Egret - 16 Salton Sea, two Blyth
Western Cattle Egret - common Salton Sea
Great Blue Heron - two Salton Sea, three Blyth
White-faced Ibis - ten Salton Sea
Turkey Vulture - 25+ Salton Sea, 40+ Blyth
Osprey - two Blyth
Northern Harrier - ten Salton Sea
Sharp-shinned Hawk - one Blyth
Cooper's Hawk - two Salton Sea
Red-tailed Hawk - three Blyth, two Salton Sea
American Kestrel - five Blyth, ten Salton Sea
Prairie Falcon - one Salton Sea
Burrowing Owl - three Salton Sea
Belted Kingfisher - two Salton Sea
Gila Woodpecker - three Blyth
Red-naped Sapsucker - one Blyth
Ladder-backed Woodpecker - two Blyth
Northern Flicker - one Blyth
Gray Flycatcher - one Blyth
Black Phoebe - two Blyth, five Salton Sea
Say's Phoebe - five Blyth, 10 Salton Sea
Vermilion Flycatcher - three Blyth
Loggerhead Shrike - two Blyth, five Salton Sea
Common Raven - 20+ Salton Sea
Verdin - four Salton Sea, eight Blyth
Horned Lark - 40 Salton Sea
Tree Swallow - 15 Blyth, two Salton Sea
Northern Rough-winged Swallow - 25+ Salton Sea, five Blyth
Barn Swallow - 35+ Blyth, 20 Salton Sea
Ruby-crowned Kinglet - one Salton Sea, three Blyth
Phainopepla - one Blyth
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher - five Blyth
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher - two Blyth
Crissal Thrasher - one Blyth
Sage Thrasher - one Salton Sea
Northern Mockingbird - two Salton Sea
European Starling - several Blyth
Western Bluebird - 12 Salton Sea
Mountain Bluebird - flock of c40 Blyth
House Sparrow - common Salton Sea
American Pipit - three Salton Sea
House Finch - 15 Blyth
Lesser Goldfinch - ten Blyth
Lark Sparrow - one Blyth
Chipping Sparrow - ten Blyth
Brewer's Sparrow - 25+ Blyth
White-crowned Sparrow - 40+ Blyth, 25+ Salton
Vesper Sparrow - five Blyth
Song Sparrow - two Blyth
Lincoln's Sparrow - five Blyth
Abert's Towhee - four Salton Sea, ten Blyth
Western Meadowlark - 15 Blyth
Red-winged Blackbird - 80+ Blyth, 15 Salton Sea
Brewer's Blackbird - 20 Blyth
Great-tailed Grackle - common Salton Sea 15 Blyth
Orange-crowned Warbler - ten Blyth
Yellow-rumped Warbler - 40+ Blyth, ten Salton Sea