The sniper
Well-known member
We didn't last long before nipper started playing up demanding cake,was back in the cafe by 10.15am therefore seeing nothing more than a few wigeon,snipe,pintail,teal a kestrel and the odd moorhen
We didn't last long before nipper started playing up demanding cake,was back in the cafe by 10.15am therefore seeing nothing more than a few wigeon,snipe,pintail,teal a kestrel and the odd moorhen
We didn't last long before nipper started playing up demanding cake,was back in the cafe by 10.15am therefore seeing nothing more than a few wigeon,snipe,pintail,teal a kestrel and the odd moorhen
Essex bird watching society is one.
I just follow bird stuff and loads appear on the people you can follow list
Dont really use twitter for reliable sightings, its good for talking to people and getting inside knowledge though.
Had Barn Owl on my way to college again this morning
I've never found the sightings news on there to be unreliable. And you're right, it's amazing for getting further info on sightings. There's always someone who'll reply.
It's a bit like the grapevine in-crowd elitist clique thing from back in the good old days that everyone laments the hobby having moved on from, but where anyone can take part without needing to know anyone elses phone numbers. Great, if like me, you don't know anybody.
It's also a great way of putting news out; no need to call a company to whom I don't subscribe or to bother people with a call/text every time a waxwing flies over.
Yeah, twitter's awesome.