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Durham Birding (9 Viewers)

first one looks like boldon flats..feeders hanging up on the hawthorns to the east end..
and the second...shibdon?(view from the hide here)
great idea lads!..will have a to try myself..
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The Barriers:-

Sedge, Willow, Chiffchaff, Wren, Robin, and Kestrel amongst 16 species this morning...


Common Tern, Little Ringed Plover, and finally got the elusive Reed Warbler with a little help from an old hand :t:
a new angle...
bird(a little easy to begin with not cropped alot..) and place??.....its not jarra!..somewhere else they collect pealer crab..(hence the tires..)


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Dorman's Pool this evening - not a great deal. Most notable was the increase in the number of Swift - 200+ tonight. Also Cuckoo between lower car park and Petroplus.

Greatham Creek - Avocet x5 and Greenshank x1.

Wood Sandpiper on Back Saltholme again.


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Houghton area Local Patch

Common Tern, Little Ringed Plover, and finally got the elusive Reed Warbler with a little help from an old hand :t:

Long hours not many flours today

Finally got the elusive Common Tern today, plus day-listed that Bustard again. Good to see Joe & Co. ;)
Oystercatchers hatched out, LRPs still sitting, many Lapwing broods although productivity appears poor - one pair circling noisily, while watching over their brood as they moved off their spring sown nest site & crossed over an old wagonway towards to close cropped sward of a permanent grazing field.
Half a dozen Curlew feeding together at IV were either non breeders or perhaps failed breeders ( couple of reg fields recently rolled).
Redshanks up in arms at both Sparrowhawk & falcon-like flyover Cuckoo - i've just been bemoaning their continued local downward spiral, when we had 2 singing within 800m of 1 another.

Weather brought about a modest increase in Swallow, Sands & Swifts, although House Martin scarce.

The cool & damp didnt do much to encourage song, but another Lesser Whitethroat (nr Railway tunnel) was pleasant & a Blackcap singing non-stop has only just appeared in a marginal territory. Long tailed Tit family of 5+ birds, many species carrying food.

Others resident species today inc single TREE SPARROW(!), Jay, GSW, 2 drake Gadwall, 5pr Dabchick, Grey Partridge, 17 Stock Dove
No passage migrants, nor anything out of the ordinary other than a Grey Wagtail on II this afternoon, when nearby a daylight asio (16:20) turned out to be a Long. (this bird was hunting, but may have been forced out of cover by dog walkers)

Dipper at Sedgeletch, but sadly a juvvy Tawny roadkilled at Lambton (MH).

Back at home, the Blackbird hadnt finished lining the cup this morning, but by this evening she had one egg - fast worker indeed !

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the bird in the location pic..was a whimbrel..next frame or two..taken..here now.
the second pic on show..was at greenabella the same day..???;)


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Barmston Pond

Nothing much on the pond as per usual, 2 shelduck, 1 mute swan, 2 dabchicks. Surrounding trees a little better with chiffchaff (numbers down on previous visit only 2 heard) willow warbler (numbers up well up with 8 heard) common and lesser whitethroat, blackcap. I then decided to walk round the side of the car compound and onto the marsh area beside the seven houses, bird seen included 2 wheatear,6 reed bunting,2 common whitethroat,1 lesser whitethroat,10 goldfinch,6 linnets,2 yellowhammers, back at the car park a pair of bullfinches, 1 long tailed tit and a common tern on the small pond. ;)
Long hours not many flours today

Finally got the elusive Common Tern today, plus day-listed that Bustard again. Good to see Joe & Co. ;)
Oystercatchers hatched out, LRPs still sitting, many Lapwing broods although productivity appears poor - one pair circling noisily, while watching over their brood as they moved off their spring sown nest site & crossed over an old wagonway towards to close cropped sward of a permanent grazing field.
Half a dozen Curlew feeding together at IV were either non breeders or perhaps failed breeders ( couple of reg fields recently rolled).
Redshanks up in arms at both Sparrowhawk & falcon-like flyover Cuckoo - i've just been bemoaning their continued local downward spiral, when we had 2 singing within 800m of 1 another.

Weather brought about a modest increase in Swallow, Sands & Swifts, although House Martin scarce.

The cool & damp didnt do much to encourage song, but another Lesser Whitethroat (nr Railway tunnel) was pleasant & a Blackcap singing non-stop has only just appeared in a marginal territory. Long tailed Tit family of 5+ birds, many species carrying food.

Others resident species today inc single TREE SPARROW(!), Jay, GSW, 2 drake Gadwall, 5pr Dabchick, Grey Partridge, 17 Stock Dove
No passage migrants, nor anything out of the ordinary other than a Grey Wagtail on II this afternoon, when nearby a daylight asio (16:20) turned out to be a Long. (this bird was hunting, but may have been forced out of cover by dog walkers)

Dipper at Sedgeletch, but sadly a juvvy Tawny roadkilled at Lambton (MH).

Back at home, the Blackbird hadnt finished lining the cup this morning, but by this evening she had one egg - fast worker indeed !


Much of a muchness this morning..... Goldfinch, Whitethroat and a pair of Garden Warblers all caught in the act of nest building. Swifts buy the bucket load over the ponds. Cuckoo seen on railway line and one seen flying across far bank of pool 2 just after seeing my 1st male Sparrahawk of the meadows again across pool 2. Great tit leaving sign post nest with what i assume was a broken egg shell (As opposed to being a full egg). Tawny Owl heard at 8:15 hooting. Other birds included Swans with bairns, a lame Coot, Bullies, Loads of Goldies, Chiffchaff, Willow Warblers, Whitethroat, 1 Reed Warbler (Its easy when you know how..Zigg zigg zigg ...;)) 3 Sedge Warblers, 1 Lesser Whitethroat, 4 Common Tern, Little Ringed Plover, Long Tailed Tits, Yellowhammer, Linnets etc etc......
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