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Pied Thrush - BirdForum Opus

Photo by James Williams
Photo taken: Nandi Hills, near Bangalore, Southern India.
Geokichla wardii

Zoothera wardii


22 cm. Black above with a long white supercilium, and white tips to the wing coverts, tertials, rump and tail. The underparts are white with black flank spots.the bill and legs are yellow. Females and young birds have the same basic pattern, but the black is replaced by dark brown, and the white by light brown. The underparts are scalier.


Himalayas. Winters in Sri Lanka and S India.


Formerly placed in genus Zoothera.


Thick woodland.


Nests are cup shaped and deep, grass lines, placed in a tree fork. 3-4 white or bluish eggs are laid.

Diet includes insects. They are groundfeeders.

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