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Koshi Tappu Wildlife Reserve - BirdForum Opus

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A Crested Serpent Eagle waiting for a snake or other meal by the bank of the Arun Kosi River. Feb 2006.


The Koshi Tappu Wildlife Reserve in southeast Nepal is a migration stopover for 32,000+ ducks (counted in one week in March 1971), as well as numerous shore / sea birds on their way back to the Arctic.

The area is at the transition from the low sub-tropical region where the middle hills of Nepal border with India. There are more than 239 recorded bird species to be seen in the area. The birds follow the rivers which run more or less north to south on their journeys going from the cold northern areas of Asia to the warm southern areas and back in the spring.


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Department of National Parks and Wildlife Conservation

Maurice Adshead FRGS Content and images originally posted by mohawk
