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Brown-throated Parakeet - BirdForum Opus

(Redirected from Eupsittula pertinax)

Alternative name: Caribbean Parakeet

Photo by Jacamar
Glasgow, East Bank Berbice, Guyana, December 2005
Eupsittula pertinax


The subspecies show varying amounts of brown on the face, throat and belly. The eye-ring and forehead colours also vary.


Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Aruba, Bonaire, Curaçao, Venezuela, the Guianas and northern Brazil.

Subspecies Arubensis
Photo by rbroadwell
Aruba, Netherlands Antilles, March 2009


Formerly placed in genus Aratinga.


There are 14 subspecies[1]:

  • E. p. ocularis: Pacific lowlands of south-western Costa Rica and Panama
  • E. p. aeruginosa: Northern Colombia to north-western Venezuela
  • E. p. griseipecta: North-eastern Colombia (Sinú River Valley)
  • E. p. lehmanni: Llanos of eastern Colombia (possibly adjacent western Venezuela)
  • E. p. arubensis: Aruba (Netherlands Antilles)
  • E. p. pertinax: Curaçao (Netherlands Antilles)
  • E. p. xanthogenia: Bonaire (Netherlands Antilles)
  • E. p. tortugensis: Isla la Tortuga (off northern Venezuela)
  • E. p. margaritensis: Isla Margarita and Islas Los Frailes (off northern Venezuela)
  • E. p. venezuelae: Generally distributed throughout Venezuela
  • E. p. surinama: North-eastern Venezuela and the Guianas
Subspecies venezuelae
Photo by iain
North West Venezuela, April 2010
  • E. p. chrysophrys: Tepuis of south-eastern Venezuela and adjacent Brazil
  • E. p. chrysogenys: North-western Brazil (Rio Negro region)
  • E. p. paraensis: Northern Amazonian Brazil (Rio Tapajós and Rio Cururu)


Subspecies E. p. ocularis
Photo © by NJLarsen
Hotel Heliconias, Veraguas, Panama,
21 August 2023

Scrub brush, wooded areas and gardens. Gallery forest, cactus thickets, corn fields and mangrove swamp areas.


Feeds on a variety of fruit, seed and leaves from a large number of plant species -- many of these are crop plants.


  1. Clements, JF. 2010. The Clements Checklist of Birds of the World. 6th ed., with updates to December 2010. Ithaca: Cornell Univ. Press. ISBN 978-0801445019. Spreadsheet available at http://www.birds.cornell.edu/clementschecklist/Clements%206.5.xls/view
  2. Arthur Grosset
  3. BF Member observations
  4. HBWalive read March 2018

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