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Drab Water Tyrant - BirdForum Opus

Photo © by Stanley Jones
Manu Lodge, Río Madre de Dios, Madre de Dios Department, Peru, September 2018
Ochthornis littoralis


13.5cm (5.25in)
Generally drab and nondescript, pale rump, top of head and nape, wings and tail darker, crown contrasting slightly with nape, pale supercilium and darker loral stripe; below slightly paler and more sandy.


South America: found from southern Guyana to southern Venezuela, northern Bolivia and Amazonian Brazil. IUCN listed as species of least concern.

Photo © by Xyco Paludo
Candeias do Jamari, RO, Brasil, 18 August 2019


The monotypic[1] Drab Water-Tyrant is the only species within the (monotypic[1]) genus Ochthornis.


Always found at stream and river margins where there are banks and tangles of vegetation.


They are usually in pairs a meter or so above the surface of the water. Often seen in flight low over water, hugging bank.


Feeds on insects caught by perching and sallying just above the water surface. Will also drop to ground to catch prey.


Nest an open cup made out of rootlets placed 3 metres above ground, usually above riverbank or steep vertical mudflats. Clutch size is 3-4 eggs.


Sedentary throughout range.


  1. Clements, J. F., T. S. Schulenberg, M. J. Iliff, S. M. Billerman, T. A. Fredericks, B. L. Sullivan, and C. L. Wood. 2019. The eBird/Clements Checklist of Birds of the World: v2019. Downloaded from http://www.birds.cornell.edu/clementschecklist/download/

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