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Boundary bay dike - BirdForum Opus

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Photo by Eastwood
Boundary Bay view South from Dike

British Columbia


Boundary Bay Dike is a long stretch of shore in Ladner, extending from 64th Street to 112nd.

Facing the dike is a big stretch of marshy shore, with numerous shorebirds and migratory birds during the migration season. In Winter, it is the paradise of many Raptors.


Numerous shorebirds including Gulls, Ducks and various Waders like Western Sandpiper, Least Sandpiper, Pectoral Sandpiper, Black-bellied Plover, American Golden Plover, Pacific Golden Plover, Red-necked Phalarope; Lesser Yellowlegs; Greater Yellowlegs

Notable Species

During Winter Time, many raptors can be found there.
Northern Harrier and Short-eared Owl are regular species. It has been a place for the Snowy Owl, there were 8 of them 4 years ago, but have not been sighted since. Other owls include Long-eared Owl, Great Horned Owl, Barn Owl.
Other raptors: Bald Eagle, Red-tailed Hawk, Rough-legged Hawk, Northern Shrike, Peregrine Falcon.


Rare visitors include Prairie Falcon, Bobolink, Northern Mockingbird, Tropical Kingbird, American Tree Sparrow, Clay-colored Sparrow, Golden Eagle, Gyrfalcon


Birds you can see here include:

Mallard; Northern Pintail; American Wigeon; Eurasian Wigeon; Great Blue Heron; Ring-billed Gull; Glaucous-winged Gull; Western Sandpiper; Least Sandpiper; Pectoral Sandpiper; Black-bellied Plover; American Golden Plover; Pacific Golden Plover; Red-necked Phalarope; Lesser Yellowlegs; Greater Yellowlegs; Northern Harrier; Bald Eagle; Red-tailed Hawk; Rough-legged Hawk; Peregrine Falcon; Short-eared Owl; Long-eared Owl; Great Horned Owl; Barn Owl; Snowy Owl; Northern Shrike; American Robin; Song Sparrow; Western Meadowlark; Horned Lark; White-crowned Sparrow; Golden-crowned Sparrow; American Crow

Other Wildlife


Site Information

History and Use

Areas of Interest

To do

Access and Facilities

How to get there: Drive along Highway 99 in Richmond, pass the George Massey Tunnel, and right turn into Highway 17 (leading to Tsawwassen Ferry) on the second exit.

Left turn into Ladner Trunk Road at the first traffic light, passing a number of Streets: 64 72 80 88, after 88th, turn right into Hornby Drive, which will go pass 96, 104, ending in 112.

There are parking space in only 3 of the streets at their base: 64, 72 and 104. At the base of 64, only a few roadside parking spaces. 72 offers more, and 104 has actually a public parking lot with toilet facility.

The 2 commonly visited places by birders are the 72 and 104 base. Once you get onto the Dike, you can walk all the way from 62 to 104 (a long walk though).

Contact Details

To do

External Links
