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Durham Birding (10 Viewers)

just got back from tunstall
willow tit,pied flycatcher,spotted flycatcher and redstart,didnt here or see wood warbler.
last night finally caught up with the spoonbill at saltholme also saw a single black tern flying with the commons
Houghton area Local Patch

Green Woodpecker was a good local record close to centre of the town today.
Another rattling Lesser throat adj. Ho.Cut
3 or maybe 4 male Garden Warblers between RM's car park & Joes Pond entry gate.
Cuckoo singing from E.Rainton side of RM's yesterday. (like Wood warblers, seems even fewer of these this year........ ?)
Swallow at Colliery Row gaining entry to a small outbuilding, by squeezing inside through a v.small gap between bricks.
local flock of @25 House Martin over their housing estate, with several visiting nests - most ive seen this year - they seem down in no's too.........?

Redstarts incubating clutches in dales nest boxes at weekend.
break time observation today...first time ive seen carrion crows do this..one of them pecked away at a area of grass(between tarmac and grass divided by a kerbstone at a garage carwash) ...and kept settling into it..then fanning its wings...first thoughts were digging out worms or beatles...but no its mate joined in!..only then i realised they must be provocking ants to spray!..as they kept up the act for a while...and kept on swapping places...ive seen jays do this with wood ants, ...but not urban crows..
Pretty quiet on Teesmouth this afternoon. No sign of the Spoonbill anywhere. The Little Gulls and Swallows and Swifts were putting on a good display on Back Saltholme. A Garganey drake was on the shallow pond nearer the road.

Zinc Works Road - a single Sedge Warbler, single Wheatear, Reed Bunting x2, Kestrel, Mipits, Redshank x2, Skylark and Lapwing with chicks x8.


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Hello everybody. I've just joined the forum after following the posts here for a few months now. I've also met a few of the members whilst being out birding in the county, normally with my mate Mark from Stockton.

The last member we met was Malcolm Hobbs on Monday morning up at Tunstall res. Sadly, we did'nt see the Osprey that he had kindly tried to alert us to (wish we'd heard you shouting Malcolm), although a Marsh Harrier on Dorman's Pool that evening was some consolation.

Also, despite seeing a few pied and spotted flys, redstart, garden warbler and the tawny owl we also failed to see Wood Warbler.

Despite having spent several hours on my local patch around Barnard Castle plus a couple of (brief) visits to Bedburn and two longer trips to Tunstall, I've still to see or hear the bird this year.

Although I've noticed a few reports on the forum of Wood Warbler this year, I was wondering if the species has suffered a major decline in the county, perhaps the poor weather last year affected the production of offspring, and given the probable short lifespan of these passerine migrants could lead to a sudden drop in numbers of an already declining bird.

Do the birds and their offspring return to the same breeding patch each year, which would mean that the disappearance of a bird from a locality could be permanent?

I would be interested to know if other members of the forum were hearing/seeing less birds than last year and their thoughts on the issues I've raised. Thanks!

John Cooper
Hi John - good to see you posting :t:

I'm still struggling for Wood Warbler as well - only that possible one at Bedburn last week - or was it a Song Thrush? They do seem to be in very short supply the last couple of years. I wonder if the earlier reports of birds just arrived and are now settling in elsewhere - that seems to be the case for Bedburn. I may give Dryderdale and Adder Wood a look next week.
Wood Warblers

In previous years, the woodland I visited held 4-5 WW's. I visited later this year and covered more of the woods this time.

The Little Gulls put on a great show ,the other day at Salthome, hardly 20 yards away. Amazing stuff camouflage clothing.


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Local Patch

If any Durham Bird Club members would like to contribute a Local Patch article for the next Lek, please send me a PM.
The article could be of any length , and 2-3 seperate areas could be included.
In fact any articles from members would be appreciated .
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Green Woodpecker was a good local record close to centre of the town today.
Another rattling Lesser throat adj. Ho.Cut
3 or maybe 4 male Garden Warblers between RM's car park & Joes Pond entry gate.
Cuckoo singing from E.Rainton side of RM's yesterday. (like Wood warblers, seems even fewer of these this year........ ?)
Swallow at Colliery Row gaining entry to a small outbuilding, by squeezing inside through a v.small gap between bricks.
local flock of @25 House Martin over their housing estate, with several visiting nests - most ive seen this year - they seem down in no's too.........?

Redstarts incubating clutches in dales nest boxes at weekend.

Plenty of Cuckoo up in Scotland earlier this week Steve, but I've not seen or heard one yet in Co. Durham. House Martin numbers definately down around Washington, only one pair regularly seen round my way.

Lots of predictable activity on Wader Lake, Washington WWT this morning;- Grey Heron, Greylag Geese, Canada Geese, Shelduck, Teal, Mallard, Tufted Duck, Moorhen, Oystercatcher, Avocet, Little Ringed Plover (2), Lapwing, Redshank, Common Sandpiper (2), Black-headed Gull, Common Tern (c30), Swift, Swallow, Grey Wagtail. Pied Wagtail, Jackdaw, Magpie etc.
The Grey Wagtail was being chased by a Little Ringed Plover which was being chased itself by a juvenile Canada Goose!
There's about the usual number of Cuckoo around the North Tees area. Quite regular at Dorman's Pool and along The Long Drag by the 'wooded' area. Also one at Cowpen Bewley Woodland Park this morning.

Not a great deal seen this afternoon in the Saltholme Ponds/Dorman's Pool/Greatham Creek areas. Little Gulls still at Back Saltholme and a drake Garganey. Reed Warblers were showing well for a change today at Haverton Hole.

Another site that I don't visit that often held two drake Ruddy Duck.


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whats these at seal sands
ianf come on down;)

A metal post with two bits dangling? ;)

I've no idea. Seems to work well for attracting Marsh Harrier though as another one was on the Long Drag this afternoon just after lunch time. Three were in the area last night according to TBC sightings!
around that area today

A metal post with two bits dangling? ;)

I've no idea. Seems to work well for attracting Marsh Harrier though as another one was on the Long Drag this afternoon just after lunch time. Three were in the area last night according to TBC sightings!

i seen female marsh harrier at dormans this morning about 9ish
3 little gulls
4 grey plover
11 ringed plover
4 wheatear
and white wag we think
lots of sedge warbs
and whitethroats


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What do people reckon about the populations of our summer warblers this year.

The impressions that I have are as follows:

Willow Warbler - average
Chiffchaff - seemed well up when they first arrived, but seemed to drop down slightly thereafter
Wood Warbler - down
Lesser Whitethroat - up
Whitethroat - down
Blackcap - down
Garden Warbler - wouldn't like to comment?????
Grasshopper Warbler - about average for past few years (but up when compared to for example late 90s)
Sedge Warbler - average
Reed Warbler - average
Plenty of Chiffchaff, Willow Warbler and Blackcap around here - all about the same as usual.
I'd say Whitethroat are way up on what they were last year - plenty on the North Tees Marshes and even my local patch.
Garden Warbler have been where I always see them - though a new tick on my patch today.
Same with the rest fo me as well.
hi ross
from what ive seen this year..
common whitethroat in our area seem the same numbers..(one or two places in our area are doing better than others)
chiff and willow...apart from drops again about the same..
groppers and l.whites have put in a better show..not just in durham..
blackcap seemed to be in short supply..and arrived later this year..but not still in good numbers.
but garden warblers..(a bird i sometimes struggle to see)..have showed well..on one or two visits outside s.tyneside..
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