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Polesie National Park - BirdForum Opus

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Polesie National Park


Eastern Poland, Lubelskie region. The Polesie national park is one of my favourite spots in Poland - it has an abundance of bird life and is well hidden, judging by the lack of human life that we've encountered on our three visits (one in spring and two in autumn). It's in the east of Poland, not far from the borders with Belarus and Ukraine. It is a marshy area of peat bogs with a plethora of small lakes.


Notable Species

It's famed for its cranes (they appear on the badge of the national park). We've also encountered Great White Egret, Black Stork, Black Woodpecker and herons by the score. Spring and autumn, predictably, are the peak times for species.


Birds you can see here include:

To do

Other Wildlife

We also came face to face with our first in-the-flesh European Elk here!

Site Information

History and Use

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Areas of Interest

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Access and Facilities

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Contact Details

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External Links

Nature Poland: Polesie Site Map

Content and images originally posted by cheekykev
