- Toxostoma lecontei
Includes: Vizcaino Thrasher
L. 9.25 in
- Long, decurved bill
- Dark eye
- Pale throat
- Grey-brown plumage
- Belly and undertail coverts brown
- Long dark tail contrasting with upperside
- Dark legs
Sexes similar
Similar species
California Thrasher does not show the same contrast of tail and upperside, and is overall a darker bird. California Towhee is another brown bird in the area with that contrast, but easy to distinguish if seen well.
Southern California, far southern Nevada, and Arizona to Baja California and nw Mexico.
Polytypic. Consists of three subspecies:
- T. l. lecontei from sw US to Baja California and nw Mexico
- T. l. macmillanorum in central California
- T. l. arenicola in the Vizcaino Desert, central Baja California
Arenicola is sometimes regarded as full species, Vizcaino Thrasher. Macmillanorum considered part of arenicola by some authors. Macmillanorum and arenicola have slightly darker plumage than lecontei.
Arid desert.
It builds a cup-like nest low to the ground in a dense shrub. Incubation lasts 14 to 20 days; young fledge 12 to 15 days after hatching. Double broods are common.
Includes seeds, insects, and small vertebrates; it will also take small bird eggs.