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Blue-eared Barbet - BirdForum Opus

Revision as of 21:58, 21 July 2018 by Deliatodd-18346 (talk | contribs) (Picture of juvenile. C/right. References updated)
Photo © by jaray
Kang Kra Jan National Park, Thailand
Psilopogon duvaucelii


This species has been split into 2 groups for ease of description

Blue-eared Group

Photo © by robby thai
Khao Nam Khang National Park, Thailand, May 2018

16-17 cm, 6.3-6.7 inches. 31.6-39.5 g, 1.1-1.4 oz

  • P. d. cyanotis:
    • Black forehead
    • Blue mid-crown and throat
    • Green hind-crown
    • Orangey red cheek patch
    • Blue ear-coverts framed with red patches
    • Narrow black band between throat and breast
    • Green body
    • Dark stout beak
  • P. d. orientalis:
    • Generally slightly larger and paler than P. d. cyanotis
    • Thin red patch below the black line separating the throat and breast

Black-eared Group

16-17 cm, 6.3-6.7 inches. 26.3-37 g, 0.93-1.3 oz

  • P. d. duvaucelii:
    • Black forehead
    • Blue crown and throat
    • Thick black band between throat and breast some have red below
    • Black ear-coverts framed with large red patches
    • Red cheek patch
    • Pale loral spot
    • Green body
    • Strong dark beak
  • P. d. gigantorhinus:
    • Slightly longer bill than P. d. duvaucelii
    • Often has blue spotted crown
  • P. d. tanamassae:
    • Brighter blue hindcrown and throat
    • Red wash behind black breast line
    • More blue in tail


Asia: found in China, Tibet, Nepal, India, Eastern Himalayas, Bangladesh, Bhutan
Southeast Asia: Indochina, Myanmar, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Malaysia, Malay Peninsula, Brunei, Borneo, Indonesia, Greater Sundas, Sumatra


Sometimes placed in the genus Megalaima.
Formerly considered conspecific with Little Barbet.


There are 5 subspecies[1]:

  • P. d. cyanotis:
  • P. d. orientalis:
  • P. d. duvaucelii:
  • P. d. gigantorhinus:
  • Nias Island (off north-western Sumatra)
  • P. d. tanamassae:

Several additional subspecies are not recognised by all authorities[2]


Mainly primary coniferous forest, forest edge in lowlands and foothills. May frequent new growth and patchy forest.

Blue-eared Group

Also visits plantations, gardens, deciduous and bamboo forest. Mainly below 1200 m, but below 700 m in Bhutan. Has been recorded to 1525 m in southeast Asia and to 1600 m in southwest China

Black-eared Group

Also visits rubber and silk tree plantations, gardens, mangroves, bamboo, peatswamp and deciduous forest. Mainly below 1000 m, but only to 975 m in peninsular Malaysia, 1065 m on Borneo and up to about 1500 m on Sumatra



Fruit of figs and other. Also insects. Takes fruit averaging 11.6 mm. Forages in groups of up to 100 at fruiting trees in Thailand. Has been seen foraging with pigeons and other species.


The breeding season is largely dependant on geography. Sings for up to 2 hours at a time during the breeding season by both pair members simultaneously. Head-bobbing, lateral tail movement. During courtship, fruit is offered before copulation. Nest excavated in dead tree, often on the underside of branches at up to 25 m, but mainly between 3-12 m.

Blue-eared Group

Lays 4 white eggs.
Breeding season:

  • January to August in much of range.
  • March to September in Thailand.
Black-eared Group

Male inflates black skinned gular sacs when singing
Breeding season:

  • January to July in Peninsular Malaysia
  • February to October on Sumatra and it's islands
  • December to January and May to June on Borneo


The double note song of Little Barbet is given throughout range, but study is needed to document the variations with the species.

Black-eared Group

A "chiok-chiok-chiok" territorial call lasts up to 2 hours. The courtship call is a lot softer, not unlike a referee's whistle at 1-2 second intervals lasting for minutes.


Resident, territorial and sedentary with some post breeding movement away from breeding areas in search of fruit.


  1. Clements, J. F., T. S. Schulenberg, M. J. Iliff, D. Roberson, T. A. Fredericks, B. L. Sullivan, and C. L. Wood. 2017. The eBird/Clements checklist of birds of the world: v2017, with updates to August 2017. Downloaded from http://www.birds.cornell.edu/clementschecklist/download/
  2. Avibase
  3. Gill, F and D Donsker (Eds). 2014. IOC World Bird Names (version 4.4). Available at http://www.worldbirdnames.org/.
  4. Handbook of the Birds of the World Alive (retrieved October 2016)

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