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Plain-pouched Hornbill - BirdForum Opus

Revision as of 22:25, 21 February 2009 by Nomdeploom (talk | contribs)
Aceros subruficollis
Artwork by bru.b


Male 86.5-89.5 cm, female 76-84 cm.

This bird has a pale head, neck and tail. The base of its bill is brown.

Similar Species


South-east Myanmar, Thailand and northern peninsular Malaysia.



Mixed deciduous, dry and humid evergreen forests, mainly in the lowlands.


Its diet comprises fruit, invertebrates and small vertebrates. It builds nests in holes in tall, broad trees, from January-June.

Voice: Loud keh-kek-kehk.

External Links

The following link will search the gallery for images of this species. None were found at the time of editing.
