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A major hawkwatch and migratory flyway.
Notable Species
Rarities include American White Pelican, Brown Pelican, Wood Stork, Swallow-tailed Kite, Mississippi Kite, Swainson's Hawk, Gyrfalcon, Piping Plover, Marbled Godwit, Roseate Tern, Royal Tern, Boreal Owl, Cave Swallow, Townsend's Warbler, MacGillivray's Warbler, Summer Tanager, Nelson's Sharp-tailed Sparrow, Le Conte's Sparrow, Brewer's Blackbird.
Birds you can see here include:
Canada Goose, Mute Swan, Mallard, Ring-Necked Pheasant, Great Blue Heron, Ring-billed Gull, Mourning Dove, Belted Kingfisher, Downy Woodpecker, Northern Flicker, Blue Jay, American Crow, Black-capped Chickadee, Brown Creeper, Marsh Wren, Golden-crowned Kinglet, Ruby-Crowned Kinglet, Hermit Thrush, American Robin, Cedar Waxwing, Yellow-rumped Warbler, Northern Cardinal, Red-winged Blackbird, House Finch, American Goldfinch To do
Other Wildlife
White-tailed Deer To do
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