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Rufous-crested Coquette - BirdForum Opus

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Lophornis delattrei
Photo by Gambia14
Canopy Lodge, El Valle, Panama
female (left) and immature male (right)
Photo credit: Peter R. Bono
Date: 2008-08-06
Location: Amazonia Lodge, Peru


7cm, bill 8mm, short and straight.

Male: long, rufous crest. Bronzy green above. Has a white band across the rump. Tail rufous. Throat metallic green with 3 white spots. Remaing underparts green, like back.

Female: No crest but has a dull rufous forecrown. Otherwise like male above. Throat a light orange/brown. Chest streaked bronze. Underparts dull green. Cinnamon tail with black subterminal band.


SW Mexico; SW Costa Rica locally to N. Bolivia.



Borders of humid forest and secondary growth woodland. Also in nearby clearings.


Rare to Uncommon. Ususly seen perched on an exposed branch or twig, quite often at moderate heights. Feeds quite low. Wags tail slowly up and down in flight.

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