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Berlin/ Brandenburg(lake Unteruckersee) - BirdForum Opus

Revision as of 16:50, 16 July 2008 by Deliatodd-18346 (talk | contribs) (Stub removed Incomplete Location tag added)
Berlin/ Brandenburg


lake is at south end of town Prenzlau


Notable Species

direct in the town at the lake is possible to see birdlife like lots of ducks, Grey Heron, Great Crested Grebe, White Swans and so on.

Around the lake are good spots of birdlife. Nearby Prenzlau, if You come with train from Berlin, You will see a big Great Cormorant colony at Your left hand side. Possible ( written in book "Vogelwelt von Berlin und Brandenburg" )

Common Rosefinch Red-breasted Flycatcher Bean Goose Common Eider Long-tailed Duck ( December - March )

Common Scoter Velvet Scoter Luscinia svecica Porzana porzana Lesser Spotted Eagle ( very rare )

examples of maximum bird assembly 60 Black-throated Diver ( december ) 2200 Greylag Goose 720 Eurasian Wigeon 840 Mallard ( winter ) 1.700 Common Pochard ( September )

3.200 Tufted Duck 11 Greater Scaup ( end of November ) 300 Common Goldeneye ( November - March ) 11.000 Fulica atra ( November )


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Content and images originally posted by albatross02
